Obama’s Communist plan for U.S.

You can watch the news stories unfold on TV and wonder what the hell is going on, or you can tune in to Obama’s Communist plan for the takeover of the United States and be prepared for the news in advance. Aaron Kline at WorldNetDaily summarizes the plan from the speeches of Sam Webb, head of Communist Party USA. The plan involves socializing education, health care, and childcare and heavy investment in green technology. Obama has promised 5 million new green technology jobs from this investment. One building block of the plan is to strengthen labor unions as front groups demanding Communist “change.”

Kline wrote a similar article last November at WorldNetDaily. New Zeal website keeps track of Communist plans for the New World Order and identifies Communist front groups.

Communist Norman Markowitz believes that more socialist programs will enlist more support from the public because they will provide security, improve the standard of living, and improve the quality of life. Socialism of course cannot improve the standard of living or the quality of life because socialism produces nothing. Socialism is not progress, it is devolution into an iron cage of control, and that control also involves ruthless control over dissent. Socialism is parasitical control over the productivity of capitalism. Communist economies break down due to the inability of central planning agencies to control the flow of production schedules in industry and lack of incentives. Communist economies never grow at high rates consistently. Castro in Cuba today is being propped up by Hugo Chavez’ oil revenues. China is being propped up by unfair free trade agreements and capital infusions brokered by Goldman Sachs. The Venezualan Communist experiment has not resulted in increased standards of living for the people of Venezuela, which is why they recently voted followers of Chavez out of office.

Strangely, Communist Markowitz indicates that Obama wants to reinflate the global economy with stimulus packages and deficit spending. It seems not to have occurred to Markowitz that inflation is a tax on every consumer that lowers the quality of life. Communism has never delivered security, prosperity, or progress for workers. It has, however, delivered a high standard of living for Communist leaders.

You can connect this propaganda with the propaganda of the Club of Rome in our recent article on the subject. “Interconnectedness” and “integrated strategies” mean cooperation among Communists worldwide to subordinate nations to EU and UN control. “Progress” is basically the subversion of individual freedom, property rights, and democracy.

Can America be duped into supporting Communist control over the economy? Yes, because there are many young people who have never learned about the history of Communist tyranny and failure. But it really matters little what the people think now because the Democrats control all the branches of government. America will be reshaped into a Communist nation, and quickly. You can watch it happen on TV.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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