Obama wants his propaganda on all websites

The Obama administration has set up its own government news service inside the White House. They are now issuing videos for distribution on TV and on the web. The plan is to bypass any questioning or scrutiny of their propaganda by the press.

The latest example of government-controlled news was the Elena Kagan biography video. The Obama administration issued the video for TV broadcast and has shielded Kagan from any questioning by reporters. They must be very afraid that, if we find out the truth about Kagan, people will oppose her nomination to the Supreme Court.

Makes sense to us. The Left always tries to make its lies into “news” and censor the truth. But setting up its own “news service” inside the White House is unprecedented in American history. The Obama administration is copying the Russian Communist model of propaganda.

Obama doesn’t really need to create his own news. TV is giving him a pass on his lies and deceptions. Remember, Jeffrey Imelt, CEO of General Electric, is an adviser to Obama. Obama has bailed out GE. GE’s news stations, NBC and CNBC, run green propaganda programs consistently. Imelt and GE are set up to profit tremendously from cap and trade and green energy subsidies. The web of corruption is already so deep, why is Obama afraid of a few New World Order websites?

Obama administration information czar Cass Sunstein has proposed that all websites be mandated to carry government propaganda. Sunstein previously proposed to tax or ban any website that proposed a “conspiracy theory.”

Obama himself has complained that there is “too much information out there.”

His Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has said the government has the right to ban speech that the government finds offensive. including books.

They are setting up censorship of anti-New World Order websites. Elena Kagan is going to be the vote on the Supreme Court that censors the web. They have to do something now because too many people are waking up and turning against Obama. Tune in at Information LIberation.

We notice this debate about TV news versus internet news being played out on TV. The TV people argue that news and opinion on the internet is poorly sourced, and people can say anything. Therefore, the internet should be censored.

Actually, it is TV news that is poorly sourced. Very few TV news stations sponsor investigative reporting about the government. The most common practice is to take the Obama administration news handout and run it on TV. TV news itself is a shrinking business, and newspapers are going out of business around the United States. None of them has the guts to sponsor investigation of the government and expose Obama’s corruption.

A bigger problem is that over 90 percent of all journalists are liberal, so of course they slant the news. This is usually done by omitting stories or significant parts of stories rather than by outright lies, which can be checked. Even so, we see outright lies on TV.

TV journalists and opinionists who claim that TV is a source of truth are blowing smoke. TV is the propaganda Matrix, not the source of truth.

TV news is a tightly controlled business. One reason is, many TV news people are actually CIA agents.

Project Mockingbird and CIA penetration of the media. Notice that all of the leading Left-wing media have willingly cooperated with CIA operatives to spin the news.

“The Agency’s public affairs office … has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation.”

More on Obama’s lies at The Obama File.

Atlas Shrugs keeps up with Obama’s corruption.

We can’t speak for all the anti-New World Order websites on the net, but notice that we provide sources for all of our opinions. The reason is, if we just presented one fact incorrectly, we would lose credibility immediately and forever. Our little “save the world” project would end immediately if we posted one falsehood.

We are trained in scholarship and sourcing, and we are scrupulous about our sourcing. We warn you if we think a source is Left-wing, or blowing smoke. Who are the liars, and who are the truth-tellers? Figure it out.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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