Obama, Racist-in-Chief

There has been a flap over the past couple of days over Obama’s refusal to appear on Fox News, and more generally over the Obama administration’s designation of anyone who disagrees with them as enemies. This story got a little play on CNN, with James Carville and David Gergen debating some Republican whom we can’t even remember on Anderson Cooper’s version of the news. This is the way CNN sets it up, with some faceless, low-level, relatively clueless spokesman arguing the other side, weakly.

Carville and Gergen are New World Order deceivers of the first order. It is instructive to examine how they handled the criticism of Obama for not appearing on Fox. Watching how they work will alert you generally to how the Left deceives you, masterfully.

David Gergen is a long-time adviser to presidents who have sold out America to the New World Order. He is a first-class traitor and a smooth spokesmen for the agenda of evil. Gergen always appears as the reasonable one, the good cop. He acts like a life insurance salesman or a car salesman, a happy optimist who implicitly promises unity and an outcome everyone will be happy with if we can just put the present ugliness behind us. (“I’m sure you’ll be happy with a big, safe car with fins; oil prices can move up and down over the long run.”) Gergen is so oily they have to towel him off right before and after he is on the air. Gergen is a masterful liar, but we have no idea where he actually stands on any issue, if anywhere, because all of his discourse is about tactics and strategy, “moving forward” and “putting it behind us.” Gergen recognizes the takeover is a long process, with bumps on the road. It’s so reassuring to listen to him, you can fall asleep happy and hypnotized.

Carville plays the bad cop to Gergen’s good cop. Carville, in our opinion, rates right up there with the great Communist orators of the twentieth century, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Hitler. He’s that good. He is very high up in the takeover pyramid, and he makes big money from his mastery of Marxist skills.

Contrast Carville’s style with the mealy-mouthed liberal apologists who appear on Fox News. When confronted with some outrageous policy, or some speech gaffe, or some other indefensible act on the Left, the softies like Juan Williams and Bob Beckel and the various women whose names we can’t recall at the moment actually fold, agree “that was terrible,” and express hope for a better world. Not Carville. Imagine Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro taking the Left position in one of these “panel debates.” Chavez never admits to anything. Deny deny deny. If you charge him with killing people or looting the Treasury or stifling dissent or bad economic policies, Chavez will turn on a dime away from defense to offense. He really never defends, he finds some other issue, usually some position his opponent doesn’t even hold, and goes on the attack. Carville is that good. He is the master of eye-rolling, the bemused arrogant nonverbal put-down, the fake laughter at the absurdity of the opponent’s position. Carville doesn’t actually debate, he role-plays, and this really works for the leftie followers of the party line, even when they don’t know what the party line is. Carville never folds. He attacks. He is a supreme example of the cold Darwinian gangster Communist mafia boss laying out the party line. For this ability he has won our “grudging admiration.” We hate the Left for its evil, but even we can stand back from our position occasionally and admire the pure genius of the rhetorical strategy that fools millions. We think Carville should be president. He is a much better “debater” and a better community organizer than Obama.

Now to the subject of the controversy. We hasten to explain in advance that we don’t care whether Obama appears on Fox TV or anywhere else. As we explained in our post Obama Crosses the Rubicon, Obama has made clear he will no longer pose as president of all the people. He has staked his presidency on the black Marxist takeover. Obama is a black Marxist racist Communist, and he is going to freeze America in the Iron Cage of socialism and deliver it to the global steering committees or go down trying. Even though the White House is full of black racist Communists, they aren’t going to pin on their hammer and sickle buttons, brandish their guns, and announce that they have control of the radio stations and everybody is under curfew. That symbolism belongs to the past. They are going to do it to America with secret committees and funding the Left. You won’t see it on TV, the takeover will happen in your local community this time.

The important moment of dialogue on the CNN show was Gergen’s defense of Obama’s position regarding Fox News. “What did you expect him to do,” asked Gergen, “they called him a racist.”

“They” of course, refers only to Glenn Beck. The other Fox talkers are too timid to call Obama a racist. Beck has handled this nicely by inviting the White House to call him on the air and correct anything Beck has said. The White House hasn’t called, and they won’t call, because they are gutless liars. They aren’t interested in debate, they are weasels devoted to furtive deceit. Beck has called out Obama nicely, and Obama has folded. Score one for the good guys.

So, hanging in the air was this defense, that, when called a racist, Obama had only one alternative, to boycott Fox. Satisified? Well, we are sure the Left is satisfied with Gergen’s implied defense. Gosh, calling Obama a racist is so outrageous, he should never respond to that, right? OK, let’s move on from those unpleasant conservatives and their outrageous violation of Obama’s reputation.

Now let us state what we really expect of Obama when he is called a racist. We expect him to apologize, just like every other white guy for the past several decades who has been accused of racism. We expect him to apologize for his racism. We expect him to address his racist policies and promise to work to repeal them. We expect him to end affirmative action discrimination against whites in the law and in government hiring practices and in university admission policies. We expect him to stop granting government contracts to firms that qualify strictly on the basis of “diversity” and to end the policy of freezing out white businesses. We expect him to stop his racist discrimination policies against whites, to apologize and promise never to do it again. And, we expect him to pass the new policy along to the Democratic Party in New York, where whites are frozen out of jobs in the state legislature.

Of course, Obama will never apologize or change the discrimination polices because Obama is a black Marxist racist. He’s got the power, and he’s going to cram his racism down our throats.

Unfortunately, the token Republican on CNN wasn’t quite savvy enough to mount this factual challenge to Gergen’s remark, so the “debate” ended with Gergen smarming that Obama shouldn’t boycott Fox News because it isn’t worthy of him and this sort of policy has not worked out well in the past for other presidents. If you are satisfied with Gergen’s answer, you, my friend, are an anti-white racist, too.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Obama, Racist-in-Chief”

  1. Kouba says:

    Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.

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