Obama embraces lunatic fringe climate controllers

If you think that carbon taxers and global warmists have led us to a new era of global socialist takeover, you are on the right track. Fear and loathing are the correct responses to the warmists, with their phony computer models, alternative energy schemes, global control programs, and population reduction agendas. But the Al Gore type of public propaganda about energy grids enabling higher taxes, developing small cars, poisoned lightbulbs, disappearing polar bears, shrinking Arctic icecaps, ocean levels rising, and the rest of the fear-mongering takeover agenda is really nothing as compared with the emerging power of lunatic warmists who are planning large-scale geoengineering projects to control the world’s climate. Committees of lunatic fringe warmists have been meeting for years in secret to cook up radical “solutions” to the non-problem of global warming. The bad news is, the Obama administration is embracing and supporting the nuttiest and most dangerous of these fringe Enviro-Nazis. See the story at Macleans.

The paradox of globalism is that it is easier to construct a committee that takes control over the world than it is to do honest research about local environments and work locally to solve local problems. This is a measure of how powerful the New World Order really is. Secret committees of the most irresponsible radicals have access to power. You don’t, and your vote doesn’t really count any more, either.

“The report is worse than fiction, it is a lie….Was it not ever thus with the climate change lobby: never let the facts get in the way of a good scare story?”

While we’re tracking the wild enviro-nuts, let’s catch up with a few stories that have surfaced recently. World controller Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, recently announced that 300,000 people die every year from global warming. The Telegraph shoots down Annan’s false claims. Kofi Annan is not going to suffer any loss of prestige because his lies have been exposed. That’s how the Left operates. If one lie doesn’t work, try again.

WattsUpWithThat keeps track of news stories, bad warmist science, cap and trade legislation, and other environmental socialist takeover schemes on a daily basis. WattsUp believes the science is now so clear that the end is near for the warmist agenda. Wrong, they’re just getting started. There will never be an end to the agenda because it doesn’t rely on false science alone, climate science is merely one arm of a bigger takeover program.

The way the program works is, first they plant false stories to scare you. Several sensational propaganda pieces have more public impact than any genuine science offered in rebuttal. Thanks to the genuine scientists, but their efforts are suppressed by the Leftist media and the official organizations, so the public remains emotionally impacted by the great lie creating fear. There is no corresponding “good guy” organization to rival the power of the lying bureaucracies of the United Nations, the European Union, the U.S. government, the national academies of science. With the masses alarmed and confused, the takeover program begins to appear to be a kind of logical solution to a pressing problem rather than a large-scale criminal enterprise. Ordinary folks come to believe that their leaders are sincere, knowledgeable, and creative rather than New World Order takeover weasels. It’s hard for well-intentioned people to triumph over this well-funded, never-ending propaganda machine.

To understand the fraud within our Environmental Protection Agency regarding the cap and trade bill, check out this story at WattsUp.

The global socialist takeover is now a reality for the warmists. But next we have to worry about them opening Pandora’s box with a large-scale climate engineering scheme that could permanently damage earth’s climate. It never stops with these guys, does it? As Yuri Bezmenov noted in our post World Thought Police, it’s always the sadists, the masochists, the most unbalanced and radical people who gravitate to power under socialism.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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