Obama begins war against states

We were looking for a moment of resistance to begin the mystique. We thought it would be an individual, or a small group, caught up in street violence. It didn’t happen that way. It happened with the murder of an Arizona rancher, Rob Krentz, leading to the passage of the Arizona immigration bill.

The resistance isn’t citizens organizing, it’s states declaring their separation from Obama’s New World Order socialism.

Why Arizona needed to crack down on violence by illegals. Way too many high-speed chases.

Texas feels the same way.

17 states will adopt Arizona’s law to protect themselves against illegals. You might want to consider moving to


Eliminate the most liberal states with the biggest budget deficits from this list, Rhode Island, Nevada, New Jersey, and MIchigan. Then lump the remaining contiguous states into an alliance of resistance against the federal government. There is your hope for a future in America.

Congratulations, Arizona, for adding the illegal immigration faultline to the other developing faultlines of resistance. We love it when liberals announce boycotts, threaten boycotts, do anything to separate from the righteous patriots. The more separated you are from us, the better it is for us.

Holder criticizes Arizona law without reading it. Napolitano and Obama also criticized Arizona law without reading it. All the leading Marxists looked like knee-jerk ideologues as they wet their pants and cried over the Arizona law. The Marxist controllers have had a bad month of publicity showing their negligence in enforcing the U.S. border, and it didn’t help that Obama hosted Mexican president Calderon. It also didn’t help Obama that he announced his plans for the U.S. navy’s participation in “global governance” preserving “world peace” at West Point.

Obama is embarrassed by Arizona’s firm stance, orders troops to guard border. But he’s not folding his hand. Obama will play hardball until America crumbles into anarchy.

La Raza calls for revolution against the United States. Remember, Obama supported Communist La Raza during his presidential campaign.

San Francisco wants illegals to vote in local elections.

32 U.S. states are officially bankrupt. The only reason they haven’t gone under is because the federal government is secretly bailing them out.

California faces drastic budget cuts to welfare programs, needs pension reform. Actually, California needs more than that, it needs a purge of the Democratic party.

Immigrant criminals pull $35 million per today from U.S. stores. Other stories on immigrant crimes at this site. It’s not just an anti-white Communist invasion, it’s a plundering of the United States at street level.

Illinois isn’t paying its bills. All eyes turn to Obama for a bailout. But all eyes are looking in the wrong direction. Obama has his own financial problems.

Pursuing Communist policies doesn’t help things.

Obama counters state opposition with troop mobilization:

Obama’s planned war against Arizona and other stories of interest at National Review Online.

Behind the scenes, we suspect that individual state governors and prominent legislators are making anti-Obama alliances for the preservation of their states. One faultline in this war will be, will states be able to control their National Guards or will Obama nationalize the National Guards in the service of the federal government? If both the federal and state government put a mobilization call on a National Guard at the same time, the individuals will be forced to choose.

Obama builds up Persian Gulf strike force. He may also be nationalizing state National Guard troops. See a collection of reports on troop movements inside the U.S.

Confirmed reports of Russian troops entering U.S.

It has begun.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


11 Responses to “Obama begins war against states”

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  10. Common Sense says:

    I have heard a lot more folks discussing that the law is Unconstitutional under the Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause forbids state and local laws that contradict federal laws in matters where the federal government has authority to act.
    Once again it only applies in situations where the law contradicts the current law. Arizona’s law requires that State/Local authorities hand over suspect illegals to the proper federal authorities. Maybe you have forgetten (since we haven’t enforced these laws) but it is still a crime to enter our country illegally.
    But as long as we are talking about Constitutionality let’s talk about the Commerce Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8). This clause prohibits states and localities from passing laws that burden interstate or foreign commerce by, among other things, creating “discriminations favorable or adverse to commerce with specific foreign nations.”
    Boycotting Arizona is UNCONSTITUTIONAL so knock it off already. Also to the Arizona government, how about we step up and actually file suit against these cities?

  11. bukmacher says:

    You post awsome posts. Bookmarked !

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