Obama administration signals legalization of drugs

On May 14 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is ending the “War on Drugs.” Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske explained that the war rhetoric was being abandoned because people perceive the war on drugs as a war against people. Using liberal logic like this would, of course, justify abandonment of all U.S. law enforcement as any law could be “interpreted” as a “war against people.”

But by now you are used to liberal nonsense passed off as reason.

The Obama administration says it wants to reconceptualize drug use as a public health problem because too many Negroes were being arrested for drug dealing. And, of course, lots of liberals want to use drugs.

The Obama adminstration is also abandoning the position that federal anti-drug laws take precedence over state laws. They will allow “medical marijuana” clinics to flourish. Of course, these policies are illegal, but Kerlikowske promised to work with Congress to implement the new approach.

Kerlikowske was formerly police chief in Seattle, where today drugs are sold openly on the street.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has directly contradicted a U.S. Pentagon study characterizing Mexico as a failed state due to narco-terrorism. Hillary said, “I don’t believe there are any ungovernable territories in Mexico.” This statement aligns the U.S. State Department with the Calderone government’s position regarding drug gangs, and against the Pentagon.

Mexican intelligence officials, including the current director of Mexican intelligence, disagree with Hillary and Mexican President Calderon. They believe that sections of Mexico are dominated by drug cartels and are essentially ungovernable. See the reporting at NarcoSphere. Warning: left-wing pro-drug bias.

“General Carrillo Olea specifies that the states ‘where drug trafficking rules are Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, etc…. You have to recognize that the government doesn’t govern in these states. If you’ve stopped governing, if it doesn’t govern there, then we’ve lost half the country…. [T]hey kill people, kidnap them, or rob them. So I say that we are in a scenario of ingovernability.'”

So who is right, Hillary Clinton and Felipe Calderon or the heads of Mexican intelligence and the Pentagon? It really doesn’t matter who is right. We believe that Clinton and Kerlikowske’s statements signal an end to the war on drugs, both inside the United States and in Mexico. Mexico has now legalized possession of marijuana. This indicates an agreement between the United States and Mexico on a new policy direction toward drugs, legalization in both countries.

NWOU isn’t much interested in the arguments for legalization of drugs. We can condense these arguments as, the Left wants to take drugs and it wants to break the monopoly of drug gangs so that ordinary people can produce and distribute drugs. Both Mexico and the United States government may be hoping that drug gang terrorism subsides if drugs are legalized in both countries.

It might work out that way, but the price we’ll have to pay is open drug-dealing and consumption in public. This will make the public square even more dangerous. Parents will need to restrict the movements of their children to protect them from legalized drug-dealing in the United States.

NWOU doesn’t keep up with news of drug-gang terrorism as there are so many horrible incidents of violence. You can keep up with news stories at Blog of the Gods. One story that caught our attention: the spread of a dark cult among drug dealers called Santa Muerte, the Saint of Death. Santa Muerte is a cult of Great Mother worship, the religion of feminism.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Obama administration signals legalization of drugs”

  1. Awesome blog post, I am grateful for it.

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