NWO dirty tricks, Sept. 18, 2015

George Soros-sponsored “human rights” groups are in Syria to subvert the Assad regime. We told you not to trust any group devoted to human rights. They are covers for NWO takeover.

Reporting on the U.S.-sponsored “color revolutions” in Lebanon and Armenia.

Mike Whitney has an incisive article on Obama’s alliance with Turkey’s President Erdogan to attack selected groups in Iraq and Syria. Sharp.

A hacker has put up Hillary’s emails for sale.

Jon Rappoport exposes the motivation for administering psychotropic drugs to kids. It’s not ADHD, it’s low achievement.

Dalrock finds that one out of eight prisoners in South Carolina prisons is there for failure to pay child support. Stunning. Excellent analysis of socialist marriage laws imposed on the United States.

Psychology is pseudoscience: 75 percent of studies fail the replication test.

A good reason to boycott Alaska Airlines.

Forbidding the words “he” and “she”; libraries as the centers of queer propaganda. More on professors banning speech. How queer propaganda is working in San Francisco.

New York City begins a program to track all drivers.

What is a blue zone community intervention program, and why is one probably coming to your community soon?

David Duke identifies the greatest mass murderers in history as Jews.

U.S. police routinely travel to Israel to learn police-state methods.

Google alters search results to hide Jewish influence.

With a referendum election coming up in 2017, a majority of Brits favor leaving the EU.

A news roundup of stories about the immigration battle at Fanghorn Forest.

Russia has taken in 2.6 million Ukrainian refugees. 600,000 more apply for asylum.

A poll shows two-thirds of Americans support a fence at the border with Mexico. Israel is building a wall to keep out refugees. Saudi Arabia is building a wall with Iraq to keep out refugees.

USA Today reports that half of all immigrants are on welfare. Diversity Is Chaos: the average cost per immigrant is over $700,000. Illegal immigrants kill an average of 25 Americans per day.

WorldNetDaily investigates the lengths the government goes to hide immigrant crime wave.

How M-13 expands inside the United States.

Who Opened the Borders at The Right Stuff has a little history of U.S. immigration bills and the central role of the Jews in opening our borders.

How the government will relocate Moslem immigrants, by state.

Saudi Arabia isn’t taking any immigrants, but they will build 200 mosques in Germany.

Thanks Jews:

Hat tip The End of Zion

Follow up: How the CIA shaped the movie Zero Dark Thirty.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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