Not just in Iraq and Afghanistan

We haven’t quite figured out Aangrifan, but we recognize a good story when we see one, so today we’re going to send you to Aangrifan’s post on the wider war. Aangrifan says, It’s Not Just Afghanistan, It’s Everywhere….

The war isn’t just in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan, it’s in all the various stans, and there are a lot of stans bunched to the east of the Caspian. The Eurasian stans are all important (a) because they have oil, and (b) because they are strategic routes for energy transfer from Russia and the Caspian oilfields. This area from Georgia to Kazakstan is also flush with heroin, and heroin is extremely profitable. The stans are the location of the most intense geopolitical maneuvering by the United States. Even though areas such as Pakistan appear to be dominated by turf wars by various mafias and “terrorist groups” (these are not mutually exclusive terms), multinational banks are jockeying for positions there because there is just so much drug money floating around.

There is very little good reporting on the U.S. maneuvering, and we personally don’t want to spend a lot of time digging out the stories because, as you already know, we hate these wars. The Aangrifan post can get you started on developing a wider vision and a better point of view on the Eurasian wars.

Our take:

The maneuvering is mainly over the heroin trade.

The U.S. wants to control the states that ring Russia.

Pipeline politics can drive much of the wheeling and dealing.

China is also a player in the region. China needs energy from Russia and the stans and doesn’t mind extending its influence to the northeast.

Reporting on insurrections, and statements by U.S. politicians in the U.S. media, are unreliable as guides to the true motives of various parties.

Obama’s recent summit with Putin and Medvedev accomplished little or nothing. The Russians are angry over post-U.S.S.R. breakup policies as well as recent stan maneuvering. Obama appears committed to further “wars on terrorism” as a front for promoting U.S. economic and geostrategic interests on Russia’s borders. These are legitimate complaints on Russia’s part. Conservatives who fall for the party line about the U.S. being the aggrieved party or the innocent party in geostrategic maneuvering from Georgia to Kazakstan are deceived. The U.S. is the aggressor, “terrorism” is the cover, and maneuvering is mostly secret.

We’ll have more to say about the “Russian threat” in future posts. This link will get you started on understanding the background to Eurasian politics, the war beyond Iraq and Afghanistan.

We still haven’t figured out the reason for U.S. involvement in the region. But you can put behind you the stereotypes paraded in the U.S. media. This is not about unsophisticated Islamic extremists plotting terror attacks against the United States. It’s not about bringing “human rights” and the U.S. junk culture to tribes who don’t want them. It’s not about poor farmers growing poppies because poppies are more profitable than wheat. It’s about jockeying for control over a multibillion dollar heroin industry that finances everybody in the region.

Keep up with developments at EurasiaNet.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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