News for September 3, 2017
If you suspect that Hurricane Harvey was a geoengineered storm, you can find speculation at many websites or on You-Tube. The popular idea seems to be that the deep state geoengineered Harvey. But this is just a hypothesis. Dane Wiggington, our best reporter on geoengineering, believes Harvey was manipulated by radio frequency manipulations inside the United States.
Here is another interesting hypothesis: Hurricane Harvey’s rainstorms might have been caused by Russia. Russia’s tech development corporation Rostec has developed a new rainmaking technology that could have caused the massive rainfall. The technology has been tested in Moscow and in Berlin, causing historically high amounts of rain.
China is also developing weather weapons. Weather warfare has been a reality for decades. No one ever comes forward to confess, so establishing proof is extremely difficult.
Russia believes the United States has been targeting Russia and central Asian countries with weather weapons. Harvey’s massive rainfall is payback for these previous assaults, if this hypothesis is correct.
Russia exposes U.S. weather weapon.
Nobody is going to come forward and claim responsibility for Harvey as weather warfare. We don’t know anything, either. Could Russia have manipulated radio frequency waves from Louisiana? We have no idea. File this hypothesis in your back brain buffer. Maybe someday the facts will come out. Probably not.
More importantly, Russia has been preparing for war with the United States for a long time, ostensibly in response to U.S. provocations. We have not been documenting the details of all these chess moves. Russia’s preparations for war with the United States increased this week with training exercises for chemical weapons teams, relocating two Cruise-missile submarines to the Black Sea, and testing war readiness for 70 naval vessels in the Baltic Sea.
Russia has missiles that can knock out U.S. communications and navigation satellites. The United States is not necessarily favored to win a shooting war with Russia.
On August 31, Putin’s spokesman issued this statement:
“We regret the unconstructive stance taken by our counterparts in the United States and, of course, we cannot afford to leave unfriendly, and sometimes hostile steps towards us without retaliation.”
Last week Russian aircraft intercepted 24 U.S. aircraft encroaching on Russia’s airspace.
The United States has been waging a cool war against Russia for quite some time. The latest provocation was an FBI occupation and search of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, New York, and Washington, D.C. on September 2. Russia protested the seizure of its property in the strongest terms. Statement here. These actions are a violation of international law.
Russia has developed a HAARP weapon that can cause earthquakes. More on Russia’s SURA weapon here.
We don’t like how this is going.
Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta has colluded with Russia to funnel campaign donations to Hillary’s 2016 campaign. Russia was supporting Hillary’s campaign in the hope she would reduce or revoke sanctions against Russia if she were elected president. The Podesta Group has filed disclosure documents with the Department of Justice under pressure from the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Muller. The Podesta Group is also suspected of interfering in Ukraine’s elections. More here.
A federal judge has dismissed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic Party that accused the DNC of rigging the primary elections for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. Lawyers for the DNC argued that the Democratic Party has the legal right to fix elections. The judge agreed. So much for honest elections.
A little update on the Imran Awan case. Chuck Schumer has been blocking Donald Trump’s appointment of a new U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, so the present attorney, Channing Phillips, will be handling the prosecution of the Awan case. So far Phillips is resisting filing espionage charges, limiting the charges against Awan to bank fraud. The Awan spy ring may never be prosecuted for espionage.
Evan Ross, a Florida Democrat who threatened to kill Julian Assange, appeared with Debbie Wasserman-Jew at a meeting in Hollywood, Florida, to discuss removing Confederate-named street signs.
The Russian airforce has destroyed over 1,000 terrorist targets in Syria during the past week. The rout of ISIS is almost complete, thanks to Russia. Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Shoigu, announced that the Syrian “civil war” was essentially over. The last battle against ISIS is shaping up to be at Deir al-Zour. China reports that the U.S. is airdropping forces into Deir al-Zour to support ISIS in this battle.
Related: Nervous Netanyahu threatens to assassinate Assad. That’s how Jews operate when they are about to lose.
“We go into countries as an undercover team. We take on the same shape and form as the people there . . . we’re like undercover agents . . . We are aliens, starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth . . . We are being trained, activated, and that emotion and mind awakens in us. It’s coming from our original planet . . . We will take over those living on Earth . . . It’s not a different galaxy, it’s a different Universe. It’s a different dimension altogether.”
Jewish Cabalist rabbi Michael Laitman, on the Jews’ role as subversives. You see, they have a cosmic mission to rule over us.
Anti-white Jew George Soros declares war on Hungary. Let’s declare war on George Soros.
Bradford Hanson perceives that psychopaths and transgenders share common traits. An interesting argument.
Congress may make it a felony to boycott Israel. Wonder who controls Congress?
The Muslim Brotherhood has penetrated every U.S. national security agency.
Whistleblower William Binney reveals how NASA taps phone lines. The program is called Upstream. Treasure Map is the name of the program that locates everybody in real time.
“All the data is collected without warrants … so it’s a basic violation of the rights of every human.”
How Google records your live conversations without your knowledge.
Congress passes a bill allowing warrantless searches of homes. Only five Republicans opposed the bill.
Guarding opium is the real reason the United States military is still in Afghanistan, we suspect, and opium is one of the main reasons Russia and Iran are disgruntled with our Afghanistan policy. Wasn’t this supposed to be about preventing terrorism?
More evidence has been discovered to rebut the “out of Africa” theory of evolution.
Chinese fear black invasion, racial mixing.
Andrew Joyce has a rather long piece on how Israel’s police training methods got imported into the United States, and how the Jewish media companies are censoring the Alt Right from the internet, How the Jews Won the Battle of Charlottesville.
Virginia state police claim Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe lied about Charlottesville.
FBI admits its agents were active in Charlottesville, making it difficult to prosecute any leader for inciting violence. How about prosecuting Terry McAuliffe?
Related: Who is Judith Katz? Another Barbara Spectre.
Watch Antifa protest their not getting paid by George Soros:
Hillary Clinton covered up pedophile ring at the Department of State.
If you are interested in eavesdropping on the Alt Right debating their future, check out: