News for September 27, 2020

“The socialist society of beggars and slaves is a crime against nature, since it is a backward rather than forward moving society. A socialist society is therefore the ideal place for the parasites to justify their atrocities, which need a social body for their survival.”

Trump announces Platinum Plan, will give $500 billion to blacks. We are gagging on this one. Trump must believe he is behind in the polls.

Eric Margolis doesn’t think much of Trump’s Israel peace plan. Since UAE and Israel both bought F-35s from the United States right after the peace plan announcement, it’s obvious the plan is not about “peace.”

A UN General Assembly nonbinding resolution sought to remove economic sanctions against all nations in order to help every country recover from the covid pandemic. Only two countries voted against the resolution, the United States and Israel.

Senate releases report on investigation of Hunter Biden. OK, you got him, let’s see you prosecute him.


The State Department, EPA, and VA are going ahead with critical race theory brainwashing despite Trump’s ban.

Mike Adams has put out a forecast timeline of events from now to January. Take a look, and be prepared for the worst-case scenarios. A couple of possibilities caught our attention: Democratic states refuse to report election results as more commies riot in the streets.

Oregon governor Kate Brown  declares emergency in Oregon because the Proud Boys showed up this weekend to challenge Antifa. We like the Proud Boys, even though they are not white nationalist.


E. Michael Jones, The Invisible Man at the Race Riots. How the jews financed the militarization of the police by training them in Israel. How the jews financed the black riots. Yep, jews financing both sides.

Pamela Gellar, Revealed: The Shocking Full Extent of Big Tech Censorship of Conservatives

Nicholas West reports that low-cost satellites are sparking a global surveillance race. You will notice that there is never less surveillance of the population, and you can thank your leaders for that.

SpaceX will install 1 million ground antennas for high-speed internet.

Russian scientists solve problems to prepare for 6G networks.

“It is no accident that the frontmen in modern antifa riots in US cities today are mostly troubled White individuals who have lost the sense of identity.”

Tom Sunic, How to Survive Communism in the USA?

Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even “almost all” of tests for COVID are false positives. There was no second wave of the virus, it was constructed from statistics once they got their tests up and running.

Aangirfan has coverage of the pandemic lockdowns and protests.

BLM leaders in their own words:

19 September anti-mask protest rally in London.

Remember all that talk about how great the Cuban health system was? Well, now hundreds of Cuban doctors have organized to accuse the Cuban commies of slavery. Here is a quote from a Cuban:

“We are in a terrible hospital, in awful sanitary conditions, when they give us food, they ask us to drink the soup from the plate, [without a spoon], there is not even toilet paper… they do not give us news of any kind, and it is impossible to talk with any doctor.”

Whitney Webb exposes Aston Kucher’s human trafficking organization:



Why you must never relax around black people.

Antifa can’t find any Nazis, decide to terrorize white people instead. BLM in Seattle continues white persecution. BLM in San Diego. Lots of violence this week. White people are not safe in public places.

New Yorkers paint their own mural naming Cuomo and de Blasio.

What’s on Tina’s mind?


ABC News investigates Q-anon. We never had any interest in Q-anon, and we couldn’t say whether they nailed it.

“If civic nationalism were in fact true nationalism, there would be no need for the word ‘civic’.”

Jon Foster explains why civic nationalism is a fraud.

Who runs Hollywood?


Nancy Pelosi clone malfunctions on TV:

JP, the pandemic hotline:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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