News for October 13, 2018

Aim4Truth has posted an analysis of the deep state, showing control and communication lines. This is mind-boggling. Big Tech plus Big Government equals a juggernaut too powerful to oppose. Aren’t you proud they used your tax dollars for this?

Nikki Haley resigned her post as UN ambassador because she was guilty of taking illegal gifts. Don’t worry about her, Israel will take care of her.

Communist China has drastically increased its influence on U.S. college campuses, mainly through its Chinese student associations, but also through direct lobbying efforts of faculty by Chinese foreign officials in the United States.

Communist China has been inserting spy chips into computers sold to U.S. companies.

The Wrap has a report on 12 Hollywood companies taken over by the Chinese Communists.

Amy Men fingers California representative Judy Chu as a spy for Communist China.

How various Communist parties are cooperating to take over the Democratic Party. Gee, that was easy.

Charles Faddis believes President Trump’s tariffs on China have already caused China’s economy to shrink. This means bankruptcies of businesses and defaults on loans. We have to give Trump all the credit for opposing Communist China, something no president has done since Reagan.

Andrew Bostom has an interesting piece on Christopher Columbus’ motivation to sail in search of India: To find allies to oppose Islam.


Judicial Watch continues to receive Hillary Clinton’s emails and discovers more classified emails she failed to disclose.

Martin Armstrong reports on an independent audit of climate data showing fraud. The climate-changers cooked the data.

As Israel organizes more internet shops to counter conservative voices online, it was inevitable that they would push various historical narratives favorable to the Jews. David Duke reports on one new trend, Russian Holocaust denial. 

Israel detains and deports U.S. student for supporting Palestine.

The UK has experienced over 2000 acid attacks during the past two years. The new weapon of the Left and the Moslems. Coming here next?


Eric Holder signals new wave of violence by the Left, echoing Hillary Clinton’s “end of civility” declaration. We don’t think violence against the conservatives is going to just suddenly end.

But Jericho Green expresses a new trend, pro-Trump black folk:

Italy and the European Union are locked in a struggle over Italy’s budget and debt problems. Much more conflict to come around this issue.

How the Soviet Union faked photos of German atrocities in World War II. History Reviewed. Also at 20th Century Truth.

One of our favorite quotes is from the website Cold Fury:

“My real issue is that once the left identifies a problem, its favorite solution is a ban. With more or less success, the left in recent times has banned, or would love to ban, liquor, guns, national borders, plastic bags, cigarette advertising, DDT, flirting, binary pronouns, “hate speech,” prayers at graduation, team logos, Christmas hymns, wearing fur, words like “manhole,” Nativity scenes, nuclear power plants, coal, Civil War statues, petroleum, unwanted babies, toilets that flush, incandescent light bulbs, and Roseanne Barr. As with kids who get overactive from too much sugar (at least, until that’s banned), if someone doesn’t shut off the supply of things to forbid, they’ll just get more out of control.”


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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