News for November 23, 2019


No one has testified at the impeachment hearing that there was a bribe or an agreement.

Is Giuliani at risk for representing the president? A reminder that John Kerry violated the Logan Act and never got prosecuted.

Biden charities report zero dollars given to charity.

Ukrainian parliament calls on U.S. and Ukraine presidents to investigate the corrupt head of Burisma holdings. Also here and here.

The United States has a treaty with Ukraine guaranteeing assistance in criminal matters.

Head of Burisma is indicted, then goes missing.

Attorney General Barr informs governors that ICE can and will ignore state sanctuary policies.


Evil Pope Francis says the Americans must be ruled by a world government for their own good. Also, fundamentalism is a plague. I guess he means a plague on globohomo  Satanism.

The destabilization of Mexico by drug gangs poses an immediate threat to the United States.

Civil war at California State University at Chico. Watch video.

Civil war in Long Beach, California. Our side usually doesn’t fight back.

Israelis blame globalist interests inside Israel for Netanyahu’s troubles. We have difficulty separating the globalist Zionists from the nationalist Zionists as Zionists believe Israel will rule over all the nations of the world once the temple is restored and their messiah shows up.

In Sweden, journalists who supported immigration are now blaming politicians for the immigration mess.

Greece prime minister says Greece is closing the door to immigration.

Evo Morales forced to resign as president of Bolivia. He intended to starve Bolivia’s cities.

The “recode” movement is Communist Agenda 2030 designed to get people crowded into city neighborhoods and to force private homeowners to take in homeless people. Coming soon to a city near you. This is the socialist solution to illegal immigration as nobody built housing for the millions of illegal immigrants. You will be much safer, temporarily, in a rural area.


Climate alarmists say giving birth is the worst thing you can do to the environment.

Doug Casey on what socialism did to Argentina.

The Redfored Communist teacher’s movement.

Hundreds of cancer genes found in vaccines.

Elizabeth Warren has a plan for everything, including abolishing white nationalism.

Jew Noel Ignatiev was a pioneer in the abolish whiteness movement.

Right-wing VOX party rises in Spain.

Why socialists are coming for your savings.

Yossi Gurvitz talks about the threat of Zionism:

Kyle Hunt editorializes about the weakness of the Alt Right.

A nice analysis of Big Tech totalitarianism.


Celebrating the anniversary of the Yellow Vest movement.

Creating (mostly) white schools is a growing movement.

Norman Rogers discovers science under socialism.

White genocide resource page.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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