News for July 9, 2018

We were hoping to report that immigration had become a sticking point with the Merkel coalition government and internal divisions were tearing the coalition apart. But bureaucratic maneuvering saved Merkel’s government. The details are too boring for words. We’re stuck with Merkel, let’s move on.

Meanwhile, League Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini outmaneuvers Macron and Merkle by negotiating directly with Libya to process asylum applications on Libya’s southern border.

Matteo Salvini wants to spread his League Party across Europe. Great idea, we hope Salvini becomes Europe’s savior. But his first priority is protecting the Italian people, not breaking apart the European Union, and he will face massive opposition and many opportunities to compromise. Italy also faces a banking crisis, and France and Germany are not going to buy Italy’s bonds.

France’s Macron wants to impose financial sanctions on EU nations that refuse immigrants. We expect the nationalist governments to hold strong.


Alternative for Germany has filed criminal charges of human smuggling against 7 ngos. Austria has banned its human trafficking ngos. It might seem like it is taking a long time for immigration to be recognized as human trafficking, but we like the way the nationalist parties are going about this now.

Natural News has a piece naming the Democratic Party as child sex traffickers. Yup, like we wuz sayin.

It is now being officially reported that Israel and the United States have formed a joint task force to overthrow Iran. Domestic protests and financial warfare are taking its toll on the current government. Moon of Alabama reports the CIA created the Iran Mission Center to overthrow Iran over a year ago.

RielPolitik has a few thoughts on Trump’s foreign policy causing highly-organized blowback. We expect that as well and we are particularly concerned that aligning with Israel to overthrow Iran will turn out to be a nasty quagmire.

Sweden’s far-Right party has gained support because migrant crime. Not fast enough.

Trump’s nationalist policies are driving closer cooperation between the EU and Communist China.

The European Union is moving toward formation of a European military to replace NATO. Merkel and Macron don’t like Trump, don’t like nationalism, and are going to pursue anti-American policies.

Samuel Culper believes Mexico is a failed narco-state and calls our attention to massive group theft activities across the nation. Communism in action.


The Trump administration is withdrawing support for college admission affirmative-action policies. Well, yeah, about time.

44 Obama EPA scandals the media ignored. We appreciate it when somebody does the work to create a document for the record.

A lot of physical attacks on right-wingers are being reported in the press, leading some to say we have already entered a civil war. Here is one report from Britain, an attack on Generation Identity leader Tom Dupre. More violence in our future, for sure.

U.S. Department of Justice cracks down on medical fraud.

Balder digs into the definition of anti-Semitism and explains why adoption of laws against anti-Semitism are unjustified restrictions on free speech.

From a 1962 Look Magazine article, Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion predicts the future for the United States. He could predict the future with accuracy because he knew the New World Order plan.

Scientists are working on a universal flu vaccine using synthetic DNA that could alter human DNA. That is why you should refuse the flu shot, even if flu becomes an epidemic.

An AI expert explains how human-robot reproduction can work. We weren’t ready for this one.


It turns out there is a professor whose field of expertise is scientific studies, and he has concluded that most scientific studies are false. No surprise to our readers.

ZeroHedge has a video on the Proud Boys/Antifa scrape in Portland, Oregon. Worth watching, and the humor is a bonus.

Glyn Parry has an interesting piece on John Dee and the formation of the British Empire that examines Christian prophecies as geopolitical organizing ideas.

We devoted Part 3 of The Hidden Masters to a study of the ancient wisdom tradition, and we summarized our understanding of hidden doctrines at the end of Part 3. But uncovering the secrets of secret societies is not an easy task, and we are quite sure that we missed some secrets. Robert J. Gilbert offers his study of hidden wisdom in The Hidden Energy Science of Sacred Geometry, and his findings are quite sensational. Gilbert is only one of many students of sacred geometry, there are many books and websites out there. We are stimulated to learn more.

Graham Hancock visits ancient sites and provides commentary on what he has found. This is being billed as a dismissal of Ancient Astronaut theory. Interesting.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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