News from the edge

We have been focusing on longer pieces lately, especially on the feminist takeover of world population control. We hope you are finding your own reliable news sources on the net. We aren’t your news source, but here are a few news stories we found around the cutting edge of the crisis the New World Order causes:

Global crisis

Latvia’s economic decline.

Latvia gets World Bank loan.

Government collapse won’t endanger bailout. But Latvia wants to join the Euro-zone. What for?

Ukraine in debt crisis, may get bailout from EU.

Greece seeks IMF bailout. Germany relieved.

Check out all recent posts on Greece by Evans-Pritchard.

Portugal’s economy contracts as stimulus withdrawn.

Portugal’s debt downgraded. The socialists spent too much of other people’s money.

Socialists, Greens gain in regional French elections. These guys are worse than Sarkozy. They will also spend too much of other people’s money.

EU focus shifts to Spain.

EU meeting in Brussells to deal with debt crisis. How about issuing more debt? IMF involvement is the escape hatch for the EU.

Europe bans Wall Street predators from issuing bonds. Good move.

Britain enlarges community spy patrols as its unemployment rate hits 28 percent.

Britain’s National Health Service scandal: doctors crowd so many patients in that bacterial infections cause death epidemics.

European Commission criticizes Gordon Brown’s excessive spending. Of course, he’s a socialist.

China attempts to curb its real estate bubble.

Chinese military officer seeks world domination.

Reports of revolutionary sentiment against the government in China. We don’t expect revolution anywhere, but we do want you to note the police state measures intensifying in China as in Europe and the United States.

Anti-Putin rallies in Russia due to bad economy.

China and Russia get married. This is an anti-U.S. and anti-EU alliance.

NATO rejects Russia’s request to destroy Afghan poppy fields. Russia is the aggrieved party here as the heroin trade is ruining Russian lives at a time of population decline. NATO as heroin dealer. That’s naked.

U.S. military expansion into Africa.

U.S. socialism

Kansas City will close half its schools. Why would they keep the same facilities and staff as enrollment declined?

School budget cuts have socialists squealing. They think money grows on trees. Nope, Obamacare will cause a spending shift away from education.

Social pressure on students to use “smart drugs.” Using smart drugs won’t make you smarter. But changing your false worldview will.

Developing the direct-to-computer brain connection.

Why you could be arrested for what you are thinking.

The high minority high school dropout rate. What will be the liberal response? “Close the gap.” That is code for, bring down white achievement levels closer to coloreds.

The U.S. government finances companies that violate Iran sanctions. Congress is embarrassed.

Cell phones may cause epidemic of brain cancer.

Have a nice day.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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