News for September 27, 2024

Israel invades Lebanon, will occupy and seize territory. Hezbollah responds; Iran will not get involved. U.S. Air Force sends a division to support Israel.

Israel’s aggression torpedoes U.S. alternative to China’s Belt and Road plan.

A look at the pager attack on Hezbollah.

Putin warns NATO, U.S. about using nukes. Zelensky launches drone attack on Russia. Zelensky visits U.S. with a phony “peace plan,” meets Trump. Biden gives Zelensky $8 billion more.

NATO announces plan to rescue future Russian war casualties. NATO seems committed to more war casualties, but it is becoming obvious to more Europeans that Ukraine has lost.

Van der Leyen thinks Europe can continue to prop up Ukraine. Russia has damaged Ukraine’s energy production facilities, with a cold winter ahead.

UN adopts “pact for the future” to ensure globalist totalitarianism. This new pact was deemed necessary because nations are not meeting their “sustainable development” goals outlined in Agenda 2030. More here.

Impeachment proceedings against Macron begin in parliament. This might turn out to be something.

Germany is ahead of U.S. in jew awareness. AfD says they can win enough votes to govern in 5 years.

What’s on the table at the BRICS summit meeting in Kazan in October. For one, a new global financial system.

A rape is committed every hour in London. Diversity isn’t our strength.

The Diddy arrest is really about child sex trafficking, child sacrifices, and adrenochrome harvesting.

New York city mayor Eric Adams is indicted for illegal campaign contributions and bribery. More here. Adams says he is being targeted by the Biden government for objecting to the illegal alien invasion. Don’t you hate it when corrupt Communists turn on each other?

Judge orders Alex Jones to auction off Infowars assets.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he has the evidence to lock up CDC and Big Pharma executives for life. We would prefer a public hanging. Kennedy reports on fake data in CDC study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.

Japan declares Big Pharma executives “enemy of the state.”

Doctor says they were told to deliberately murder covid patients using ventilators.

Alex Clark. The people have found a voice on vaccines.

Venezuelan gangsters admitted to U.S. are paid mercenaries.

How the CIA invented Google. Part 1. Part 2.

Nick Fuentes, 20 good minutes on the jews.

We never gave any credibility to the Q reports, and we are very skeptical about reports of “white hat” activities. These are usually rumors with no supporting evidence. Now we have come across Jon Herold’s devolution website, which is devoted to supporting the theory that Trump is really commander-in-chief, has allies in the military, is in possession of the nuclear codes, etc. etc. It’s an elaborate theory, and it wouldn’t hurt you to know about it. It’s a difficult job to identify fake news from the Right, but show me the evidence.

Makow says the Rothschilds murdered at least 7 U.S. presidents. Some information about obscure U.S. secret societies.

Revilo Oliver’s Reflections on the Christ Myth, Part 3. Features a debate about whether the jews controlled Christianity in Rome to ensnare and subvert the Aryans. Oliver’s argument is a strong one but controversial. An opposing argument is presented in the same post. We think our post on The Secret Society of Moses answers the questions and opens a line of thinking about history that completely changes what we have been taught about jewish influence on Europe’s royalty and the Middle Ages. Most normies reject the idea that Christianity was controlled by the jews to subvert the Aryans, but Barbiero’s evidence is persuasive. What exactly is Christian about forced conversions or death, the Crusades, and the numerous financial ties between European kings and jewish bankers? European royalty’s symbolism is clearly jewish.

Hunter Wallace ignites another chapter in the White Nationalism vs. Christianity debate. The comments are interesting if you are into this.

Three Secrets of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. If you are able to get the third secret, reincarnation, then the Christian story begins to fall apart. There are references to reincarnation in the Bible. There is also a line of thinking that the church fathers removed reincarnation references at their early councils, but AI says there is no confirmed evidence of this. We got to reincarnation through meditation, but we don’t know how to advise those who don’t know. Many modern books have been written about the subject, you could start there, with evidence from others’ life stories.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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