News for September 25, 2021

The Australian government has mandated vaccines for all construction workers. The video below shows union workers confronting their union leaders to protest against the vaccination order.

As a result of this demonstration, all construction sites in Australia are now shut down for at least two weeks.

More Australia protest videos here, here, here, here. Australia is in the stage of the Communist police state takeover. Protests will not be effective in changing policy or leadership.

New Zealand has raised fines for violators of covid regulations. There has not been a covid case in New Zealand in over 300 days. New Zealand has been taken over by the Communist police state.

United Russia Party wins majority in Russian parliamentary elections. Russia accuses United States of cyber attacks during the election.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party wins majority in Canada’s election. No change. Canada will continue to be taken over.

Biden’s nuclear deal with Australia leaves France out in the cold, looking to connect with India. Biden is linking Australia, the U.S., Japan, and Britain in military opposition to Communist China. The rest of Europe is feeling squeezed out of this alliance.

Conservative French presidential candidate warns of civil war with muzzies. Uh, yeah, we saw that coming years ago, but the French seem under the control of their masters. The covid protests in France will change nothing.

Soaring natural gas prices are driving British energy companies out of business. And utility bills sky high. Also see here. Green energy policies come back to bite Europe.

A report on natural gas supplies in the Mediterranean.

Photos of Haitians camping under the Del Rio bridge in Texas. The anti-white immigration agenda is ramped up to the maximum. Texas governor responds by trying to block the border.

South Carolina nurse admits euthanizing covid patients:

Australian TV report on Fauci’s funding of weaponized coronavirus research:

The darn vaccine is full of shit:

Report on covid statistics from Germany:

FDA employee advocates forced vaccination (video). Just saying out loud what the controllers want.

Scientists want to turn groceries into mRNA vaccine carriers.

Chinese dissident claims China released covid at military world games.

The delta wave was much milder than claimed.

Teachers in Colorado must enforce mask mandates or face a year in jail.

Croatia abandons vaccination.

Slovenia adopts vaccine passport, stimulating protests.

Brazil has told Pfizer they will not mandate vaccines unless Pfizer takes responsibility for all injury claims, which they refuse.

New York governor has plans to replace unvaccinated health care workers. This is a purge. The same thing is happening to U.S. military who refuse the vaccination. Biden wants them dishonorably discharged. They will be replaced by soldiers loyal to socialism.

Get more covid information at Vaccine Hoax.

A Jamaican warns about what is coming. We don’t see anybody stopping total takeover.

How international child sex trafficking gangs get away with it:

Tulsi exposes the FBI. The CIA and FBI are New World Order takeover agencies.

Why you should stay away from psychiatrists. A profession rampant with fraud.

Why you should reconsider if you’re thinking of converting to Islam:

How the CIA hid its MK-ULTRA program.

We have been an admirer of Vladimir Putin for his record in pulling Russia out of the Communist death spiral and for brokering an agreement between the Orthodox church and the Russian government, but many others have warned that Putin is a puppet of the jews and cannot be trusted to put the interests of the white race first. History Reviewed has such a warning, from 2017.

Claire Wolfe believes that we need to build parallel systems to avoid socialist tyranny. Part 1. Part 2. It’s a good idea to drop out of as many socialist-controlled institutions as you can. If whites would crowd into the states from Utah to Montana, they wouldn’t have to rebuild everything from scratch and could create state militias to defend existing state borders.

RIP Norm MacDonald:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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