News for October 11, 2024

Israel is blocking reports of damage from Iran’s missile attack, so the following must be considered unconfirmed rumor. The attack killed thousands of Israelis, including Yoav Galant, Minister of Defense. The new defense chief is Herz Halevi. Mossad headquarters were bombed (CIA is Mossad, so Mossad is not destroyed). Bibi Netanyahu might be dead. Israel is not responding by bombing Iran because Iran has threatened to nuke Jerusalem and Haifa. The IDF offensive in Lebanon continues, and Israel is bombing Syria. Video footage.

Dugin says this is the start of the great war.

The Pentagon has refused to give Zelensky permission to send drones and missiles deep into Russia, but NATO is giving permission, saying Ukraine is a sovereign nation that can make its own decisions.

Russia calls its U.S. ambassador home.

Macron calls for sanctions on Israel. Unexpected. Macron is a Rothschild puppet. Netanyahu condemns Macron.

France is sending thousands of military to Romania for training for an invasion of Russia.

A split has appeared between the U.S. Space Force and other branches of the U.S. military, setting up the likelihood of a shooting war between the two sides.

Norwegian feminist crew sinks their own frigate.

Farage protests UK smoking ban.

The interweb is lively with reports of Hurrican Milton being a form of weather warfare. But it’s unclear to us who would have desired this and would have been in position to direct a hurricane.

Deeper investigation of weather modification possibilities. And this video.

FBI and FEMA charged with murdering Hurrican Helene victims.

FEMA and the military have been hindering local relief efforts in North Carolina. And here.

FEMA confiscating donations to hurricane survivors. More here. And here.

Ex-military form disaster relief force.  Doesn’t this look like civil war?

Hurricane victims find it difficult to apply for $750 government aid.

Local police organize to arrest FEMA employees.

The federal government stole FEMA money and gave it to illegal immigrants.

New York city is spending $5 million per day to house migrants at luxury hotels.

Former New York governor beaten on the street in New York city.

Texas Secretary of State orders poll workers to allow illegals to vote.

Oprah has Diddy rape tapes.

Video update on Diddy revelations.

A deep dive into Who’s Who in human trafficking. Lots of stuff we didn’t know in this great post.

Peter Halligan demolishes the CO2 fanatics.

Whistleblower reveals secret Pentagon UFO data gathering agency.

Video documentary Other Losses on the U.S. treatment of Germans at the end of World War II.

Video documentary Hellstorm on the hidden history of World War II.

A timeline of Zionist terrorist and false flag deceptions. Somebody should send this to Victor Davis Hanson.

How jews justify killing Aryans.

Revilo Oliver exposes Stoicism as a jewish invention. Who knew?

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About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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