News for May 6, 2023

The important event of the week was Ukraine’s attempt to assassinate Putin by sending an armed drone to Moscow. This adds another reason for Russia to justifiably attack the United States.

Russia accuses U.S. of backing Ukraine’s drone attack.

Lavrov: Ukraine’s denial of drone attack does not deserve to be believed.

U.S., Russia on verge of “open armed conflict.”

Russia wants to destroy Kiev terrorist regime.

Trump calls Putin to congratulate him on surviving assassination attempt.

Gonzalo Lira arrested by Ukrainian secret police.

Chinese commies are sending their people to invade the United States at the southern border:

World Economic Forum plans to accelerate its takeover.

FBI has a document saying Joe Biden engaged in bribery with a foreign national. But don’t expect anything to happen.

FedNow is a plan to get rid of paper money.

AI and ESG will lead to job losses of 14 million by 2027. Wait, make that 83 million job losses.

IBM will replace Human Resources with AI. This is a big trend. Hope you get it, we’re not going to report every instance.

European Union backs Dutch plan to buy out farmers, shut down farms, and forbid farmers from ever farming again.

Biden plans to ban fishing and hunting. So they can completely control the food supply.

Giant wind turbines keep falling over.

What are C40 cities? A cabal devoted to enforcing climate initiatives. You should have gotten out of the cities a long time ago.

Here’s one mayor who wants to reduce the carbon emissions from the food you buy.

Temperature reconstructions from Greenland ice cores:

Former Vice President at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon:

“We’re in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It’s global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody’s freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It is long planned.”

“If you…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) May 4, 2023

India charges WHO scientist with mass murder.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, on the disastrous consequences of Net Zero/Green New Deal policies:

“If we ban fossil fuels, agricultural production would collapse. People will begin to starve, and half the population will die in a very short period of time.”…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) April 30, 2023

Something for King Charles:

Israel is ethnically cleansing Christians.

How the French Right caved on gay marriage.

In vitro gametogenesis will create babies without sperm or eggs.

Catch up on UFO news at World UFO Photos and

Who were the Nephilim?

Interviews with human/alien hybrid breeders:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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