News for May 27, 2023


Former Executive Director of the UN admits the world is controlled by pedophiles. That’s what we said.

Former Executive Director of the United Nations admits that the world is totally controlled by Global Elite PEDOPHILES from the @WEF

— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) May 23, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene charges Treasury Department with hiding sex trafficking documents on Hunter Biden.

Organ harvesting is big business at the front lines for Ukraine.

Zelensky embezzled $400 million last year:

SHOCKER ?: Zelensky embezzled $400 million from U.S. Ukraine aide (that was just last year, who knows what it’s up to now) and is using U.S. Aide to buy Oil from Russia.

You can’t make this shit up. #BidenWorstPresidentEver #ZelenskyyWarCriminal

— ?? Joy Reborn ?? (@RedRising11) May 24, 2023

Ukraine is training school students for war.

Russia seizes Zelensky penthouse in Crimea. Don’t worry, he has many others.

Russia claims Ukraine used U.S. weapons in attacks on Russian soil. Authorized by Jake Sullivan:

Jake Sullivan, Has Unlawfully Declared War On Russia. An unelected, rogue Hillary Clinton beard has authorized the use of US Weapons of War & Equipment inside #Russia that Will Start #WWIII. Where Is The US Congress? Who Voted For A Nuclear WWIII? Diminished capacity Joe Biden?

— Planet Ponzi (@PlanetPonzi) May 23, 2023

Henry Kissinger has a few remarks about geopolitics.

The Biden administration overthrew the government of Peru. Now it’s sending U.S. troops to Peru. Mexico is objecting and signals it will join the anti-U.S. BRICS/Russia/China/India coalition.

David Martin addresses international covid summit at European Parliament, tells them U.S. released virus in Wuhan.

International Covid Summit III – part 1 – European Parliament, Brussels – David Martin

— SAGGIORI Jan (@saggiori) May 21, 2023

RFK, Jr. knows a lot about the U.S. bioweapons programs. Learn from him:

Is CoronaThrax being launched for September 11, 2023. Greenlight now in Hiroshima at G-7? RFK Jr. has been watching.

— George Webb – Investigative Journalist (@RealGeorgeWebb1) May 21, 2023

China says U.S. will launch genetically targeted bioweapons.

200 cities protest Great Reset.

Facial recognition to be rolled out at U.S. airports.

Anheuser-Busch will purge white male employees to become more diverse.

Thousands of immigrant invaders are on U.S. voter rolls.

4 ways AI chatbots could harm humans.

Cory Doctorow explains how advertising works on the internet. AI is just going to make advertising more intrusive.

Climate scientists are fleeing from Twitter as there has been no global warming for 9 years:

The real reason ‘climate scientists’ are fleeing Twitter:

No global warming in almost 9 years despite 500 billion tons of emissions.

The hoax is up.

— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) May 24, 2023

Nobel Laureate says climate change is pseudoscience.

Bird flu strikes England, warned it could kill half of humanity.

Ethan Huff reports that 800 Pfizer test subjects withdrew from covid drug trials.

Never forget. All these pricks belong in the oven.

Why electric vehicles are a bad idea. Italy is already rebelling against going electric.

Autopsy: George Floyd died of a drug overdose.

The Wall Street Journal figures out that immigrant gangs control much of Sweden. We reported that years ago.

Cliff Kincaid offers a brief history of Queer Marxism.

We are not inclined to cover court cases because the courts are so corrupt, but we learned something from Missouri v. Biden.

How the civil war is going:

I wonder why these kind of videos never make on the news?

— I Meme Therefore I Am ?? (@ImMeme0) May 21, 2023

Whitney Webb discusses digital currency and the banking crisis:

Photos of a lost civilization in Antarctica:

Why Christianity won’t preserve traditional White values. Satan is the god of the Vatican, and most Protestants have already been taken over by the Left.

Thomas Dalton makes the case that Jesus was a jew.

The Haavara Agreement between Nazi Germany and the Zionist faction in 1933. Germany wanted to ship its jews to Palestine.

Miss Hitler beauty queen could be released from prison shortly.

Counter-Currents has a valuable bibliography of writings by and about Julius Evola.

UFOs have interfered with U.S. missiles:

James Lindsay, The Negation of the Real. We wouldn’t send you to watch a 2-hour video on Critical Race Theory unless it was good. Lindsay covers a lot of the same territory we covered in The Hidden Masters, but he jumps from Gnosticism and Hermeticism directly to Hegel and Marx, skipping over the secret societies that preserved these doctrines. This is a deep dive, and he handles it well with clear examples. He even reveals his sources (rare for a lecture video). We showed a transmission from Illuminati documents to Marx’s Communist Manifesto, which Lindsay seems unaware of, so we skipped Marx’s borrowing from Hegel in The Hidden Masters. Marx’s Das Kapital is basically nonsense designed to throw off socialist followers from the true agenda, jewish tyranny over the whole world. You can ignore Lindsay’s references to Hitler and the National Socialists, they were not Marxists or Gnostics or dialecticians. Caution: There are many varieties and definitions of Gnosticism, and Lindsay’s definition is oversimplified.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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