News for May 25, 2024

On May 20, Zelensky’s term of office expired. He is now officially the dictator of Ukraine, though he qualifies for that title by banning elections and opposition media during his term of office. Zelensky is now a wanted man, a target of assassination by the Russians. His domestic approval rating is around 17 percent. Recent Russian advances indicate the war is drawing to a close, but there is no road to peace. Instead, NATO is promising Ukraine more weapons, and NATO is hiring mercenaries from around the world and sending them to Ukraine to fight.

Putin is in Belarus, supervising joint nuclear weapons exercises with Belarus.

Was President Raisi assassinated? Too early to say.

U.S. Navy sends aircraft carrier to Red Sea to deal with Houthis.

U.S. military goes to Ukraine:

Ireland, Spain, and Norway will recognize Palestinian state.

Germany supports ICC resolution, would arrest Netanyahu.

A good report from Israel.

Identity and Democracy expels AfD from coalition. Attacks on AfD before the June elections are costing support.

The UK government has collapsed. New election called for July 4. No good alternatives.

China dumps $53 billion in U.S. treasuries. The BRIC world is going to abandon the dollar.

Klaus Schwab has resigned from the World Economic Forum. This doesn’t mean much as Schwab has minions to carry out his evil policies. Tony Blair is being considered as a replacement.

Biden bank accounts show receipt of funds from Russia and Romania.

A quick look at Japanese education.

Oregon counties put secession on the ballot.

About a quarter of illegal invaders are registered to vote. That’s enough to win Biden reelection.

Elon Musk reports on the poor performance of minorities hired in the health care industry. Be racist, it will save your life.

About half of all small businesses say they can’t survive a Biden second term.

Emanuel Pastreich editorializes about the shooting of Robert Fico.

Covid cabal deleted emails indicating culpability for virus weaponization.

CDC admits covid shots killed 500,000.

A summary of evidence about the origin of the virus.

Pfizer knew their vaccine caused miscarriages.

Kaiser Permanente begs fired, unvaccinated doctors to come back to work.

Big Pharma blocks new cancer cures.

U.S. government will refuse federal funding for hospitals that refuse to do tranny surgery.

Michael Saylor has an argument for Bitcoin. Anton Wahlman has an argument against.

Noor of Snippets and Snappits has passed away. RIP.

Latest from Catherine Austin Fitts. Part 1. Part 2.

Joseph Widney, The Race Life of the Aryan Peoples, 1907.

Asha Logos is a good source on Aryan history.

Hitler speech on Palestine, Roosevelt. Amusing.

How Hitler tackled German unemployment and revived the economy.

Mark Weber has compiled some fake Nazi quotes.

Why democracy leads to tyranny.

A news report the day after 9/11:

This aired once after 911 and then never again. The pentagon captured video footage of the impact, and it was 100% a missile. We’re being lied to on massive levels. ? I will dig the video up and share it in the thread. ???

— Brandon Taylor Moore (@LetsGoBrando45) May 19, 2024

The lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for causing 9/11 promises new video evidence.

Jared Taylor releases a video saying we can’t take our country back. Greg Johnson discusses.

Brandon Smith thinks America’s divisions are too great to be mended because there are no shared values. “No path to peace” means civil war, secession, or migration.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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