News for May 20, 2023

Chinese invaders land on Florida beaches:

Zuckerberg group purchases storage areas for voting machines and ballots ahead of 2024 election.

Orban blocks 500 million euro payment to Ukraine. But Britain and Netherlands agree to supply Ukraine with F-16s. 

Escobar on the factions inside Russia.

Chairman of Ukraine Supreme Court arrested for bribery.

Ukraine plan to blow up pipeline with Hungary leaked.

Russia bans 500 Americans, including Obama. Nice move.

Australia implements social credit system. You’re next.

Bilderberg meeting begins in Lisbon, Portugal. Artificial Intelligence takeover is at the top of their agenda.

British Intelligence refused to go along with the Russia collusion hoax.

FBI shut down 4 investigations into Clinton corruption.

Deutsche Bank settles $75 million lawsuit for cooperating with Jeffrey Epstein.

Member of Parliament Christine Anderson explains what is going on (video).

Anti-globalist WE ARE READY movement plans worldwide protests.

The beginning of the end for the World Economic Forum?

A look at the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve.

China refused Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines:

Alex Jones interviews Tom Renz on organized hospital covid murders (video).

Nurse describes covid murders in her hospital:

Department of Defense refutes Fauci claim of covid virus natural origin.

CDC ends Johnson & Johnson covid vaccines.

NIH nominates Bertagnolli for director, received $290 million from Pfizer.

Pfizer CEO Bourla needs his own international war crimes tribunal:

UN and WHO are behind the sexualization of children.

Mia Farrow private conversation on child sex abuse:

Lauren Boebert files for divorce. Go to Washington, divorce husband. Women will not be allowed to participate in politics in the White ethnostate. Another reason why.

Women have had rights for only a hundred years, but now the nuclear family is virtually destroyed, every country that empowered women is now a police state, and every country that empowered them is being bankrupted by the overwhelming expense of entitlement programs.

Elon Musk attacks George Soros. But Musk isn’t jew-wise, he says he is “pro-Semitic.” ADL immediately attacks Musk.

George Lincoln Rockwell speaks.

Spencer Quinn has some suggestions for dealing with the jewish question.

Spencer Quinn on red state secession.

Red state secession news. And here.

Rare film footage from a private collection:

Hitler’s last testament.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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