News for May 18, 2024

During the past two weeks, France, Spain, Germany, and the UK have pledged more money, more weapons, and more troops to Ukraine. NATO is preparing for war against Russia. As Ukraine takes more losses on the battlefield, the shift in strategy is to use Ukraine as a launching point for missiles sent inside Russia. More here.

Meanwhile, Putin has reorganized his government (see comments here) and traveled to China to firm up its alliance.

Government corruption in Ukraine diverted monies to fake companies who failed to supply needed defenses.

Ukraine says it is out of reserve soldiers.

Biden prepares to send another $1 billion in weapons to Israel.

Israel will attack Turkey after defeating Hamas. Jews have so many enemies to destroy.

Alastair Crooke on recent international negotiations opposing Israel.

Galit Altstein on the splits in Netanyahu’s war cabinet.

Lindsey Graham says nuke Iran and Hamas. It’s World War III season.

U.S. Department of Defense testifies that U.S. cannot defend against Russian hypersonic missiles.

Slovak Prime Minister Fico shot. Election season is assassination season.

Geert Wilders to form new Dutch government. But this guy is pro-Israel. Ick.

China asks UN to investigate Nordstream pipeline destruction. Highly unlikely.

Trudeau wants to put conspiracy theorists into camps:

Newsom “loses” $20 billion in homeless funding. Why homelessness is profitable for Democrats.

Escobar on the BRICS new currency, the Unit.

Russia may seize J.P. Morgan Chase assets in retaliation for U.S. seizing Russian assets.

143 countries favored admitting Palestine to UN. U.S. vetoed the resolution.

Brazil supports Palestine.

Turns out Escobar is a fan of Stoicism.

Georgia State Election Board refuses investigation of corruption.

National Institutes of Health admit they funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. We reported this years ago.

Peter Daszak perjures himself before Congress.

Pfizer settles 10,000 cancer lawsuits. What Pfizer does best, settle.

Leaked email shows Pfizer employees did not get the same vaccine.

Meta’s AI is a master of fraud. By the way, Google’s AI won’t answer any questions about the holohoax.

More than 1,600 scientists declare there is no climate emergency.

IPCC studies do not back climate alarmism.

About 60 percent of Americans favor abortion.

We are out of touch, but this seems to be going on:

Feminist learns feminism is a scam.

Interview with John Lear reveals insider info about aliens and secret programs:

The Cyrus cylinder appears to be one of the earliest proclamations of human rights.

Pierre Simon analyzes the jews’ ability to conspire against Whites and points to jewish religious documents as forming the basis for this racial conspiracy. He forgot to mention the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Communist Manifesto, and various documents internal to Freemasonry, but he gets you started.

Rabbi Rosenberg exposes the “child rape assembly line.”

Judaism promotes raping children.

Makow has a profile of Father Coughlin.

How Israel did 9/11:

“A solution to the problem of Jewish intellectual influence on, and control of, European society can only be achieved by revoking the emancipation of the Jews.

“The German mind, left to itself, would have soon established its own equipoise, but through the Jewish power in the press, theatre, trade and science it was made almost impossible for it. We ourselves were to blame; for we should not have emancipated the Jews but should have created insurmountable exceptional laws for the Jew as Goethe, Fichte, Herder had demanded in vain. One does not leave poison lying round unobserved, does not give it equal importance with antidotes, but preserves it carefully in black cabinets. That has finally happened – after 2000 years – in the National Socialist Reich!

“The alarming expansion of Jewish power can only be checked by the immediate cessation of tolerance, since … every European must become aware that it is a matter of everything that our mind, our character has handed over to us as an inherited tradition to be fostered and administered and that here humanitarian tolerance in the face of aggressive hostility signifies plain suicide.” Eustace Mullins, Alfred Rosenberg, The Track of the Jew Through the Ages, p. 17.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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