News for March 28, 2025

No peace deal in Ukraine. Zelensky wants to assassinate Putin. Putin wants a temporary UN government. Europe wants war.

Germany will spend over $1 trillion on new armaments.

Trump wants to take over Ukraine’s nuclear power plants because Zelensky has threatened to blow them up.

UK military officials refuse to send troops to Ukraine.

Ukraine soldier says the Ukraine army kills its own soldiers to keep them from surrendering.

German industries relocating abroad. Green policies, energy costs, taxes.

Not all European nations are on board with NATO’s plan to exclude the U.S. from Europe’s security.

NATO asks Europe and Canada for 30 percent boost in military capacity.

British internet chat rooms are shutting down as they are now being held responsible for all speech on their websites.

China cements strategic partnership with Georgia.

Speculation growing that Turkey and Israel will go to war in Syria.

Sharifullah was also involved in Moscow attack.

India raids Soros offices, investigating foreign exchange violations.

With all the Democrat financial scams being reported, here is a big one you shouldn’t overlook.

Biden secret service agent describes efforts to keep Biden from groping women.

National Diversity Council files for bankruptcy due to employee theft. Same old story.

U.S. government will give jewish businesses minority status.

One third of District of Columbia judges were not born in the United States.

Lucas Leiroz identifies Richard Branson’s private island in the Caribbean as the location of British-Ukrainian pedophile rape parties.

Greenpeace faces bankruptcy for pipeline protest damages.

Argentina’s Milei orders release of Nazi-related documents.

Why no vaccine is safe.

The jewish takeover of publishing means White writers are disappearing.

Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson wrote the plan to destroy Ukrainians and Russians that is being carried out now. The Khazars are from Ukraine and consider it to be their homeland. Sort of like jewish claims on Israel except actually true. Same jewish genocide policy as in Israel.

What is a Christian Dominionist?

It’s kind of ironic that atheist socialist jews cited the Hebrew Bible as an authority for jewish claims of a homeland in Israel when there never was a united kingdom of Judea and Israel.

The structures below the pyramid are not exactly clear and well documented.

Hitler nails the problem with democracy and the international jews.

In 2006 we attended a lecture by Bill Schnoebelen in Stockton, California, where we learned that the holders of the upper degrees of Freemasonry were sex perverts and pedophiles. Bill offers even more information in this video. Required viewing. More Schnoebelen videos here.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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