News for March 25, 2023

The key event of the week was the meeting between Xi Jinping and Putin in Moscow. China and Russia have been cooperating against America for a long time, but this meeting solidified the alliance on the world stage. The trendline of this cooperation will result in American decline and China’s rise to supreme power. The Chinese yuan will become the world’s most powerful currency in a few years.

U.S. ignores China’s advice on Ukraine. But Zelensky refrains from criticizing China, wants to meet with Xi.

China ships assault weapons to Russia.

Putin’s September 30, 2022 speech was the “revolutionary manifesto” for this alliance against the U.S. satanic deep state (Khazerian mafia).

The Saudi Arabia/Iran alliance means abandonment of the petrodollar and the rise of the yuan. The rest of the world is reluctant to sell oil to the United States when the oil is paid for in inflated dollars. Israel is the big loser.  More here.

We are not reporting on the crisis in France because Antifa and labor unions are driving the violence. Protesting over a rise of 2 years in the retirement age isn’t going to change anything. When the French riot over being replaced by Muslims, we’ll pay attention.

UN claims right to manage “extreme global shocks.” Like pandemics.

European Parliament votes to require digital ID. Just like Communist China.

((Sex traffickers)) target Ukrainian women and children in Polish refugee camps.

Ukraine is trafficking children to elite pedophiles. This has been going on for years if not decades.

Russia has been rescuing these children, but now Ukraine is accusing Russia of kidnapping them.

Canada becomes the world leader in organ trafficking after passing euthanasia law.

Red Cross is accused of harvesting children’s organs. The Red Cross is Rothschild Illuminati.

U.S. Army establishes garrison in Poland. Part of the overall strategy by NATO to arm nations bordering Russia.

Trump promised weapons to Ukraine:

For those still confused about the history of how the US began sending lethal arms to Ukraine, take seven minutes watch this excerpt from the BBC series “Putin vs. the West”

June 2017: Ukraine president Poroshenko says he received a verbal commitment from Trump to send the arms

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 20, 2023

How the race war is going:

Rest in peace, Victorine Dartois – yet another innocent casualty of multiculturalism.

— Way of the World (@wayotworld) March 14, 2023

Silly white people think they can do their laundry without being clubbed to death in front of their children… ????

— Unbiased Crime Report (@UnbiasedCrime) March 24, 2023

Grandpa shows you how to deal with a feminist in the family.

Trannies, gays disrupt feminist “free speech” gathering in New Zealand. When your enemies are fighting, it’s best to leave them alone.

This is what the ‘queer’ Community in New Zealand is, all peace and love…… Not!!#LetWomenSpeakAuckland

— Standing For Women #AdultHumanFemale (@StandingforXX) March 24, 2023

Busloads of Chinese men are being dumped at the U.S. border. What country would want to do that?

Silicon Valley Bank was founded by a group of Israeli tech investors. They decided to take their money out, putting the bank in crisis. Fortunately for those jews, jew Janet Yellen decided to bail out the bank, and with it the other Israeli tech investors. It’s great for jews when jews run the financial system and stick together.

CDC wants to experiment on the unvaccinated.

NHS director admits hospitals lied to inflate covid death statistics.

Dr. @P_McCulloughMD: “Our Seniors Have Been Destroyed by This Vaccine”

A McLachlan analysis found 80% of post-vax deaths were among people aged 65 and older:

• 9% expired within 6 hours post-injection
• 18% died within 12 hours
• 36% did not survive through the following day

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) March 13, 2023

Medicare now using Artificial Intelligence to deny coverage. Death panels not needed.

Michigan university holds separate graduations based on sex, race. If the Left isn’t committed to racial integration, we can propose more ideas for separation.

Canadian intelligence service says that China has controlled Canadian prime ministers for the past 40 years.

A quick look at some of Hollywood’s satanic high priestesses.

Israel will give Christians jail time for preaching their gospel.

Africans denied asylum in Israel because persecution is normal there.

How the jews practice democracy.

New York Times jew admits the far right is correct about the jews.

German jew wants more revenge against Germans for Holocaust. Because replacing the white race isn’t enough.

Radio Albion commentary in UK points finger at elites.

Byung-chul Han on the effects of smartphones.

Selwyn Duke points out that secession is a gradual process, not an all-at-once break. Find some hope in these ideas.

Philomena Cunk tries the patience of another expert, who explains that you can’t vote your way out of democracy. But the Germans did exactly that by voting for Hitler, who then cleaned out the entire corrupt jewish democratic Weimar mess, including banning the Rothschild bankers. Suddenly, Germany was governed in the interest of the Germans, not the jews. This made the international jews who run the world very angry, and the result was World War II.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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