News for March 16, 2015

A leading imam in Denmark admits the agenda of Islam is to conquer the West. He advises immigrants not to assimilate with European culture. Don’t worry, they won’t.

“Soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.”

Moslems seem pretty keen on getting to Europe and America, helping themselves to “all the stuff white people stole from them,” and replacing the whites:

Obama showers your money on Moslem immigrants. Had enough of this yet?

Bulgarian organizes vigilante group to track down immigrants. Take notes.

Polish MP explains to feminist how socialism screws everything:

In Austria, half of all immigrants commit crimes. The statistics on criminal behavior of immigrants are deliberately hidden by U.S. and European governments. Obama has set up immigration policy so that few immigrant criminals get charged and deported. Why would the NWO controllers want lots of criminals running around loose, terrorizing the local populations? Because terrorism is the number one strategy of the Left to destabilize societies.

In Sweden, a new law prohibits any area of Sweden from refusing to take immigrants. Forced integration. But Sweden has a housing shortage, so the policy of government-provided housing for immigrants means many elderly Swedish people are being evicted from their homes. There are no rights under the New World Order.

The German government has put up a new website that promotes sex between the new immigrants and the native Germans. Just in case you didn’t know the agenda was elimination of the white race, here it is again.


Angela Merkel is a Jew, that’s why she wants to destroy the German people.

George Soros is working for the Muslim Brotherhood as well as the Rothschilds, Hillary, and Obama.

How the Jews who control Germany plan to control the immigrants.

Jews controlled the slave trade and continue to control white slavery. At Der Kamerad.

Red Ice Creations has several videos showing Generation Identitaire blocking the Calais bridges to new immigrants. Great stuff. Resist now or pay the price later.

Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Croatia have shut their borders to new immigrants. Our hope lies in Eastern Europe and Russia. Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico stands up to the controllers.

The Right opposition in Germany has thrown up a leader: Frauke Petry.  But only about 20 percent of Germans are anti-immigrant. That’s not enough. Alternative for Germany shows well in Sunday’s elections, but Merkel will continue her immigration policies despite electoral setbacks. European reactionaries need another 20 percent to flush the NWO socialist cabal down the toilet.

Jew money behind the U.S. presidential election.

In this video Ben Shapiro takes on black power socialists. You could always learn some facts and throw them at the radicals to shut them up. They are not bright, after all.

China bans gays from TV as part of a campaign against “vulgar, immoral and unhealthy content.” Nice work, comrades. This is the first time we have applauded China for anything.

Former head of the Bank of England Mervyn King says the economic collapse of Greece was engineered by the European leaders and central bankers as part of a master plan to gain more control. Read about the other parts of the plan here.

California is taking the lead in destroying religious liberty. A bill has been introduced in the state legislature that would ban travel by any government employee to a state that has enacted religious liberty laws in response to court rulings requiring businesses to serve gays. California is trying to jawbone other states into passing similar legislation in an attempt to remove religious liberty laws from all the states. Clever stuff.

A little background on Marco Rubio. Hope we’ve seen the last of him.

Sweden’s Liberal Party wants to legalize necrophilia and incest. All perverts all the time on the Left. When you don’t have a grounding in conservative values, all you can do is get weirder and weirder.

Eugene Montsalvat has a think-piece on the problems with the Alt-Right. We appreciate the effort, but the emerging Right is not in a position to make choices on big issues or shape the destiny of nations. Organizing a little resistance would be a first big step. Europe is way ahead of us with many opposition parties.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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