News for June 8, 2024

Israel wants to go to war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. More here.

#Israel Channel 14 TV host.
Threatened the United States.
Israel goes on a genocidal rant how they will slaughter Iran, Lebanon & #Gaza.
America, this is the Ally #AIPAC_Bought_Congress bleeds you dry for?
In the eyes of other nations, Americans are slaves. ???

— Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read! (@_NicoleNonya) November 20, 2023

John Mearsheimer thinks Israel isn’t going to win:

France will send fighter jets to Ukraine.

Biden adds another $225 million in aid to Ukraine.

U.S. sends 25 F-35 jets to Israel.

NATO has plans to ship 300,000 U.S. troops through Europe. Germany will activate 900,000 military reservists for war with Russia.

Houthi rockets cripple USS Eisenhower in Red Sea.

Zelensky calls a peace conference, nobody shows up.

It’s election weekend in Europe.

2 right-wing candidates stabbed in Germany. It’s assassination season.

Female commie jew elected president of Mexico, 37 other candidates were assassinated. Background.

U.S. State Department forces Scott Ritter off plane bound for Russia.

The UN employs 3,300 pedophiles. Wish we could shut down this particular conspiracy.

Supreme Court rules that states can issue their own gold-backed currency.

Democrats push for universal military draft.

What Miriam Adelson wants from Trump for $100 million: Annex the West Bank. As if Trump wasn’t jewed enough.

Putin speaks:

? Where is the lie?

— COMBATE |?? (@upholdreality) June 4, 2024

All job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

Whites are beginning to form fortress cities in the South.

Facebook employee talks about election interference.

Mike Adams interviews Dr. Murakami on self-replicating “vaccines.”

100 percent of the mice had died.

Government of Victoria is ordered to release secret covid lockdown documents.

Big Pharma paid NIH $710 million in royalties.

FDA approves new Moderna vaccine with no input from vaccine advisory committee.

Fauci testifies before Congress.

WHO plans global pandemic treaty by 2025.

A history of government maneuvering which led to the covid pandemic.

U.S. government paid pharmacies to reject Ivermectin.

President of El Salvador says M-13 gangs perform satanic child sacrifice rituals.

How the jews control all the major tech platforms, social media.

Jews stole U.S. nuclear technology and transferred it to Israel.

Keeping alive the understanding of what the jews did to the Germans.

Impressive historical research into how the jews built their economic power inside the United States.

Once in a while we watch Nick Fuentes. If you don’t know Nick, he’s a Trumper, 25 years old, Catholic, and now rather rich and famous for figuring out the jews. (Except, he hasn’t quite figured out that Trump favors the jews.) Here is Nick giving his vision for the counter-revolution. It has to be Catholic!

The movement has to be Catholic.

– Nick Fuentes (@NickJFuentes)

— socksgrypr (@scksgrypr) May 31, 2024

You mean to tell me, the Catholic church, which is globalist, is going to lead the counter-revolution? The Catholic church whose homosexual priests have abused children for decades, and have had to pay millions in settlements? The Catholic church whose Marxist Liberation Theology pope worships Satan and promotes illegal immigration? That Catholic church? We like Nick, he’s articulate and a little different, but this idea is simply naive. Even if you believe that lay Catholics are “conservative,” lay Catholics are going to vote in elections, not organize an opposition to Communist takeover

The United Church of Christ won’t be leading the counter-revolution, either.

What AI can do with art.

Eric Clapton figures it out.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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