News for June 3, 2023

Russia says they have collected evidence of weaponized avian flu pathogens from a U.S. biolab in Ukraine. That is why the WHO is warning of a lethal avian flu pandemic. The pathogens have already been created. More here.

Ukraine drones attack Russia’s oil fields, suburbs of Moscow. Also here.

Russia retaliates with attack on Ukraine’s intelligence headquarters.

The United States is supporting a color revolution in Belgrade. U.S. bombers threaten Sarajevo.

Jonas Alexis reports on trafficking of Ukraine children. Ukraine is also a main trafficker of human organs.

U.S. marshals locate 225 missing children. Why would the pedophile Biden administration allow the marshals to rescue these kids? Doesn’t make sense.

Ukraine court orders investigation of Zelensky for treason.

John Mark Dougan reports regularly from Russia on Twitter.

France bans gatherings of the Far Right.

Ireland will kill 200,000 cows because climate. Funny how those climate freaks never suggest killing wild animals or horses. It’s always the cows’ fault.

Croatian member of Parliament speaks on the Green war against farmers:

Isabel Ayuso leads conservative opposition in Spain.

CDC gathering in Atlanta features covid outbreak among the vaccinated.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reports that $10 million of Anderson Cooper’s $12 million salary is paid by Pfizer. Kennedy knows a lot about Big Pharma.

UK buys 1 billion pounds of Moderna’s mRNA flu vaccine.

Daily Clout has a Pfizer Reports section with important information on the vaccine scam.

They made a film about the pandemic called The Great Awakening:

It’s here: The Official Great Awakening Trailer! The themes of this movie have evolved over the past year, as it’s become increasingly clear that the plandemic was not the agenda, but rather a way to accelerate the agenda.

As we face this darkness, a worldwide awakening is…

— PLANDEMIC (@Plandemic3Movie) May 23, 2023

CEO of carbon credits company quits after investigation shows carbon credits are a scam.

The sociology of climate science.

CIA officers admit the CIA ran drug trafficking operations. Yeah, that’s what we said.

Tom Homan looks at how bad the illegal alien invasion is.

Check out these modern farming machines:

Christine Anderson has a message for you:

A feminist gets schooled. Amusing:

Logic is like kryptonite to these people

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) May 29, 2023

Former MI5 agent explains why Princess Diana was taken out:

#AnnieMachon former #MI5 intelligence officer explains why #PrincessDiana was “TakenOut”:
She was about to go into campaigning for the #Palestinians – now you can imagine someone of Diana’s profile doing that – they would not have tolerated it – and could not have dealt with it!

— Alpha100 (@100_alpha) May 29, 2023

A quick look at Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals.

How Blackrock stuck its finger into every pie.

The federal government has kept hidden a second film of the JFK assassination.

Philip Giraldi has a few thoughts on Biden’s war against anti-Semitism. An excuse for the government to fund jewish businesses, among other things.

Adam Green on Biden’s anti-Semitism war:

Stanford professor says aliens have been on earth for a long time.

Elon Musk illustrates mind control on TV:


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 28, 2023

Brian Harring exposes the Anne Frank Diary fraud.

The crucifixion of Jesus on TV in Israel:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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