News for June 29, 2024

Ukraine kills civilians in Crimea with U.S. supplied missiles.

Ukraine attacks Russian ships in Black Sea.

Houthis attack Israeli ports:

Zelensky arrests security, charging assassination attempts.

NATO will invade Russia with 500,000 troops in September.

British pedophiles traveling to Ukraine to target child refugees.

Ukrainian children taken abroad to orphanages, sold to British pedophiles.

Iranian professor evaluates the possible outcome of a wider war in which Israel and the United States attack Iran.

UN Secretary-General says most aid entering Gaza is looted. No surprise.

Fyodor Tertitskiy has a great summary of the history of Russian/North Korean relations.

Mossad, CIA, and FBI cooperate to install mass surveillance system inside U.S.

George Soros brags that all future elections are rigged.

Andrew Anglin on the Department of State forcing gay sex on foreign countries as a matter of national security.

Google bans Nigel Farage’s Reform Party from advertising.

Biden orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone.

Walgreens closing up to one-fourth of their stores.

About half of electric-car owners want to go back to gas-powered cars.

Finland begins bird flu vaccinations. We are fearful that this is going to become a trend.

European Union buys 40 million bird flu vaccine doses.

13 nations sign an agreement to curb our food supply because climate changes.

Gen Z has a female problem. Don’t we all?

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Lab-grown human brains are now running computers.

The Mafia, the CIA, and drug dealing in South Asia.

Catherine Austin Fitts on the missing money from the Department of Defense. It’s good to have her inside knowledge of government finance.

Phil Schneider, Deep underground military bases and the black budget.

Secret bases UK.

A woman gives a lecture on slavery that blew our mind:

Good video on the history of the Egyptian Sphinx:

The Beatles were a Tavistock mind-control experiment.

How the jews run mind-control experiments on the American public.

A quick look at jews manipulating world leaders.

Interview with Steven Greer. We think Greer is the real deal and is supplying us with solid building blocks for our worldview.

During World War II, Nazis punished work camp directors for mistreating jews.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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