News for June 24, 2023


Putin reveals 2022 Ukraine peace treaty signed by Kiev but rejected by Biden. And here.

Ukraine has ceased its counteroffensive. Too many losses.

Thierry Meyssan writes Ukraine’s obituary. Maybe a little premature.

Lavrov says globalism will end when the Ukraine conflict ends. More likely, another variety of globalism.

The failed promises of globalism.

China calls for a Palestinian state to become a member of UN. Wow, this is a turn against Israel. Are the Chinese tired of the Khazarian Mafia?

Illegal aliens have set up an Occupy-style camp at the Palais Royal in Paris to demand free housing, assisted by NGOs.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 20, 2023

Europe is backing off from transgender craze.

Belarus will chemically castrate pedophiles. It’s a start.

Burisma set up money laundering bank account for Hunter Biden.

IRS agents say they were squashed for reporting preferential treatment for Hunter Biden. More here.

J.P. Morgan fined $4 million for destroying records connected to Jeffrey Epstein.

Israeli spy confirms Epstein and Maxwell recruited underage girls for sex to blackmail politicians.

A summary of the cabal’s upcoming moves to enslave us.

Department of Homeland Security plans to assign social credit scores to all Americans.

???One of Bill Gates companies has 61 000 satellites ? that “will be able to watch every square inch of this earth”?

You guys might not see it, but they’re trying to turn earth into a prison planet?

— Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE?? – DAD? ? ? – (@bambkb) June 18, 2023

New Zealand asks surgeons to prioritize nonwhite surgeries.

Biden fails to declassify government documents on Wuhan lab.

CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex crimes.

Homosexuals are now claiming to take over National Parks and make them gay

They claim Mother Nature is a lesbian

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) June 18, 2023

Greene, Boebert clash over whose impeachment of Joe Biden it is. Unseemly. The first rule of White Nation will be, no women in politics.

CIA agent will manage election policies at Facebook.

Blackrock agent says you can buy a senator for $10K.

Trump stepped on his own records violation case.

Cars collect huge volumes of data on drivers.

World Economic Forum wants 75 percent reduction in car ownership.

“We were ordered to euthanise patients to increase the covid death counts while the hospitals were empty.”

RFK, Jr. exposes phony Pfizer vaccine trial.

Alberta Premier apologizes to the unvaccinated.

Trump promoted transgenders in his Miss Universe Pageant.

How magazines indoctrinate young leftists:

How the CIA and Hollywood cooperate to control us:

We haven’t watched any of these movies because

The anti-White agenda:

Summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge has us asking why we would want to defend European paganism. There needs to be a better alternative than paganism vs. Christianity.

Jewish teacher resigns after harassment from 12-year-old student. This is hilarious.

We like Christopher Wood.

A quick look at the Israel/Ukraine Nazi connection.

Ron Unz, More Falsehoods of World War II.

Grusch says U.S. has 12 alien spacecraft.

Canadian Member of Parliament confirms reverse engineering of alien spacecraft.

Grusch says first recovered UFO was in Italy in 1933.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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