News for June 17, 2023

Russia seems to be holding its lines against the Ukrainian offensive but loses its best general. This is trench warfare, and it’s ugly. We were speculating that Macron might refuse to send more arms to Ukraine, but Macron is now all-in.

Russia will outlaw sex-change medical procedures.

UK health service will no longer prescribe puberty blockers for kids.

Germany’s aid to Ukraine means no more money for European Union budget as Germany enters recession. As poverty spreads around Europe, it will turn out that supporting the war in Ukraine breaks the European Union.

Leave the American sector

— ??????? ????????? (@DrTrifkovic) June 14, 2023

Sergey Karaganov opens a dialogue about Russia’s moral obligation to use nuclear weapons.

Senator Grassley says the Ukraine briber has 17 audio recordings of Joe Biden taking bribes.

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 12, 2023

The Burisma accountant who exposed the Biden corruption scheme has been found dead.

Alley Carter says she was raped by Joe Biden:

On November 11 2021, Alley Carter attended a 30-minute interview with Stew Peters where she claimed she was raped at 13 years old by, Michelle Obama, whom she said is a man, Barrack Obama Joe Biden and other notable individuals. Democrats said trust all women. She is waiting.

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) June 13, 2023

World Economic Forum orders U.S. government to seize farms and burn cattle.

U.S. government is trafficking foreign children into sex work.

Antifa teams up with the transgenders.

The perverts have taken control of Australia:

AUSTRALIA – Following the UN sex education guidelines, countries in lockstep now.

10 year old girls’ homework is to ask daddy about his erections and ejaculations.

The UN owns your children now. Dissent will not be tolerated.

— Bernie’s Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) June 13, 2023

Matt Walsh on “What is a woman?”

The rest of the world has organized against the United States and Europe. Here is their website.

J.P. MorganChase settles suit with Epstein victims for $290 million. Epstein didn’t kill himself.

The IRS is tracking everyone’s digital financial transactions.

Biden gives sanctuary cities and ngos $290 million to aid illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens are costing hospitals billions of dollars in unpaid bills. Funny how nobody built more housing or hospitals or schools for millions of illegals. A perfect recipe for inflation.

Biden plans to ban cigarettes.

U.S. runs biolabs in Africa and Asia.

7 cancers are skyrocketing post-covid vaccination.

Pfizer director admits mRNA vaccines were never tested for transmission of covid.

— Rob Roos MEP ?? (@Rob_Roos) October 11, 2022

A doctor looks back at the covid pandemic and offers 10 signs the pandemic was planned.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty will cost trillions.

How they stole billions in covid relief funds.

China’s ambassador to France posted this video:

Do you think China is worried about the woke U.S.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 15, 2023

Your iphone takes a picture of you and your surroundings every 5 seconds.

Amazon’s Alexa shuts down a man’s smart home for a week after hearing a racist remark.

Air Force Space Command vouches for integrity of UFO whistleblower.

Peter Thiel on the diversity myth.

We thought we had written authoritatively about the myth of Shambhala in The Hidden Masters, and we are familiar with the post-World War II occult speculations about Shambhala and Agartha as rival hidden centers of power, but we missed the introduction of Shambhala as part of New Age festival celebrations. Amusing.

Gossip Department: Renegade Tribune exposes Nick Fuentes. There will not be a quiz on this material, and there is no extra credit.

Tom Sunic has some thoughts about the decline of Christianity and the rise of pagan nationalism in Europe.

A survey of Far-Right organizations in Germany.

Varg Vikernes website on Aryan history.

It’s easier to found your own micronation than you think.

Ron Unz, Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong. Correcting the WWII narrative would create millions of white nationalists.

Since president Trump has been indicted over classified documents, I think It’s time to bust out this gem from @socalistmop

— Underlord (@da_underlord) June 9, 2023

The rootless clique speech.

It’s just a movie, but it’s about our people:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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