News for June 16, 2024

The European elections shook the socialist establishment, but the results were small increases, not victories for the “far right.” There are no “far right” parties in Europe. The socialists took losses, and the center-right made gains. Europe’s bureaucracy remains unthreatened by vetoes. However, Macron and Scholtz took significant losses. Macron appears doomed to fall to Le Pen in July’s elections, and Scholtz appears weakened such that he cannot maintain power for long. See commentary here and here.

Biden signs 10-year war deal with Zelensky. This commitment is a declaration of war against Russia. Putin responded with appeals for peace negotiations and by sending nuclear-armed submarines to Cuba.

Russian media suggest that Russia place nuclear weapons in Mexico.

Ukraine fighter jets strike inside Russia. Approved and funded by Joe Biden.

Biden expanded U.S. sanctions against Russia, and the G7 promised loans to Ukraine based on confiscated Russia assets. Another step toward World War III. In response, the Moscow stock exchange suspended trading in U.S. dollars.

Caitlin Johnstone, Everything About Israel Is Fake.

Israel lobby funds one-quarter of British members of Parliament.

Philip Kraske opines that the brainwashed American public is incapable of forming an accurate opinion of Vladimir Putin.

Saudi Arabia exits petrodollar deal with U.S. Not the end of the dollar as world reserve currency, but trending in that direction.

Israel assassinates top Hezbollah commander, receives 160 missiles in reply. The northern border war is in full swing.

Benjamin Rubinstein reports that Netanyahu allowed the October 7 Hamas attack to happen. We reported that he did, here is more confirmation.

European Union fines Hungary $200 million for not allowing immigrant invasion.

40 percent of local law enforcement agencies have stopped reporting statistics to the FBI. That’s why crime rates are down.

This website is devoted to fighting against biodigital convergence and smart cities.

This is how they sell you biodigital convergence. The basic idea is to link your brain to an AI-controlled computer system that will control your behavior. The rush to AI is now so hot because the controllers know that a total control system with reporting in real time is possible. The propaganda promotes health and wellness as the objectives. You are supposed to get excited about it and demand it. Please notice where this research and development are taking place. They intend to control the whole world.

The ranks of the conspiracy theorists now include the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which just ruled Covid vax mandates unconstitutional because the vaccine does not stop transmission.

I dunno, maybe it’s the brain worm, but I seem to remember the experts and authorities…

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 9, 2024

CIA agent testifies that the CIA invented mRNA as a bioweapon against humanity.

194 nations agree with WHO to arrest and prosecute anyone who speaks against the bird flu vaccine.

JUST IN: Adobe has locked clients out of photoshop and other software unless they agree to new terms of service which effectively is SPYWARE!

Adobe demands unlimited access to ALL your content and permission to monitor your files.

— Radar? (@RadarHits) June 6, 2024

You can download GIMP from the internet for free. It’s free photoshop.

The American National Archives hold the labor camp records made by the SS between 1935 and 1945. They were first captured by the USSR and held until the collapse in 1991, when we learned the total death count for all races, ethnicities, and religions was just over four hundred thousand. At Auschwitz the death count was in the seventy six thousand range and thirty eight thousand were jews. None died by gassing or being burned alive.

The Northern Italian Black Nobility. This is one of the most important articles we have linked to in our history. What you will learn: Criminal gangs are controlled by European bloodline families and the Catholic church. Yep, the Catholic church is a criminal organization. The religious part is just a way to raise money. It’s the most successful business in history.

Rabbi Finkelstein: “We infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church right from the very beginning. Why do you think the pope, the cardinals, and all the bishops wear yarlmulkahs?” (skullcaps/kippas)

Just a reminder that people get killed for bringing you this information:

??? The last tweet that got Arthur Kwon Lee nuked?

Anton LaVey, jewish satanist:

— Sam Parker ?? (@SamParkerSenate) June 7, 2024

We like Tucker Carlson, but we’ve never been a big fan because he refuses to name the jew. In this interview with Rep. Thomas Massie, Massie reveals that every U.S. congressman has a jew handler. Well, that’s a step in the right direction. Maybe Tucker really doesn’t know who’s who?

Paul Craig Roberts, Patriotism Has Destroyed America. We struggle a lot with this argument. Our conservative friends are patriots, but they support Commie Joe Biden’s foreign policy because it’s America’s foreign policy. American TV never tells the truth about Russia or Israel, and our patriotic friends are devoted to the lies spread on Fox News. This makes it difficult to organize a volk devoted to throwing out the bums in Washington because the bums in Washington are controlled by the jews.

Here is one reason for this patriotic militarism:

A short excerpt from Matt Koehl on finding our way out of this worldview blindness.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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