News for June 10, 2023

Ukraine’s offensive begins, goes nowhere. Ukraine is suffering massive casualties. NATO plans air games over Germany for June 12. Also here. Can you see a wider war coming? European nations are considering whether to send troops to Ukraine if this offensive fails.

U.S. will give Ukraine $2 billion in weapons.

Belgium questions Kiev about terrorist attacks inside Russia.

Moscow rejects U.S. claims of not supporting Ukraine’s terrorist attacks inside Russia.

China and U.S. trade officials agree to strengthen trade.

Whistleblower claims U.S. government has bodies of alien species. Also here. And here. UFO whistleblower has never actually seen the evidence he is reporting. We are believers in ancient aliens and modern government cooperation with aliens.

German government prepares to ration meat, 10 grams per day.

Germans mount attack against anal sex pride month.

Companies plan to leave Germany over energy crisis.

European eco-zealots plan disruption campaign inside U.S.

U.S. meddling in Bulgaria leads to scuffle in Parliament.

The government document that alleges corruption by Joe and Hunter Biden is released to Congress.

Microsoft pays $20 million fine for illegally collecting data on children.

Meta’s Instagram supports pedophile network. EU demands Zuckerberg take immediate action. Biden pedophiles are silent.

Video shows mass death of cows from mRNA vaccinations. Caution: disturbing.

Google is an arm of the CIA. By the way, if you do a search on Google for New World Order University, you will not get linked to this website.

Federal court throws out race and gender quotas for corporations in California.

Cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers: $150 billion.

“I really believe that better days are ahead because Covid was a rehearsal for us.” Pfizer CEO Albert Burla

UK government data show 92 percent of covid deaths were among the triple vaccinated.

Repeated vaccination weakens the immune system.

The unvaccinated kids are always healthier:

This is my PA Senate testimony. My statement at the start should have said that THE CDC has never done such a study. I regret the error.

The list of studies in the peer-reviewed literature showing the unvaccinated are healthier (and risks of the vitamin K shot) can be found…

— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) June 10, 2023

Spike protein replaces sperm:

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, a German pathologist, presents an unsettling slide show revealing that in vaccinated males, the spike protein from the COVID vaccine has entirely replaced their sperm.

— Jung (@betterworld_24) June 3, 2023

Covid criminal conspiracy makes it to Argentina TV:

??Holy shit – This TV channel in Argentina exposes the planned #COVID agenda ?

From event 201 to Rockefeller to Soros to Gates and so on?

I can’t believe this? Watch!! #Vaccine #CrimesAgainstHumanity

— Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE?? – DAD? ? ? – (@bambkb) June 4, 2023

World Health Organization wants a simulation of the next global health crisis. Just like they kicked off the last one.

Here’s your new jewish CDC director, Mandy Cohen:

New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.

“She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football? And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.”

— Michael P Senger (@michaelpsenger) June 2, 2023

He warned us. They killed him.


— DR. Kek (@Thekeksociety) June 1, 2023

Norway bans child sex changes.

What our kids face at school during anal sex month:

Take your kids out of public schools or demand that they stop promoting this ideology.

— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 5, 2023

Corporations go anal because they are controlled by social credit scores:

Great video.

— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) June 3, 2023

Department of Homeland Security tries to assign social credit risk scores to social media users.

Interview with John Warner IV on UFO secrets:

Antarctic ice shelves have been growing significantly in the age of “global warming.”

The corporations who pushed global warming at the beginning for their own profit.

Who let these young women get so far out of touch with reality?


— Tyler Morin (@JPMorinChase) May 31, 2023

Brother Nathanael, How the Jews Took Great Britain Reinforces our previous post about the jewish takeover of Great Britain. The Anglos may be racially Aryan, but their policies have been directed by the jewish enemy.

Oldie but a goodie:

Since president Trump has been indicted over classified documents, I think It’s time to bust out this gem from @socalistmop

— Underlord (@da_underlord) June 9, 2023

“Each people has its own law of life within it. And this law says: A people ages and dies only when its racial value continually diminishes. A people ages and dies when its genetically ill and racially inferior elements grow more rapidly than its genetically healthy and racially valuable elements do. Thus you can understand that not only war threatens the life of a people. Genetic and racial decline is a daily, hidden, creeping danger.”

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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