News for July 9, 2022

Lots of good news this week. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated. Abe was the mouthpiece for Rockefeller/Rothschild globalist interests. The assassination is a pro-nationalist move. Good luck with reclaiming an independent Japan.

Boris Johnson has resigned as prime minister of Great Britain. Profiles of a few socialist twits who might replace him. Probably Rishi Sunak. How cabinet and government resignations forced his resignation.

We appreciate a little outrage:

UK plans to close airports, cease all construction, ban beef and lamb.

500 climate experts say there is no climate crisis.

Farmers are protesting green polices in the Netherlands. These farmer protests are spreading across Europe. Lots of good coverage here. We hope they accelerate and not fizzle out like the frenchie yellow vesters. So far our best protests have been by farmers and truck drivers. The intellectuals seem paralyzed.

The greenies are planning to replace pastures with plastic roots to capture carbon.

How green policies are starving the world. That’s what the socialist greenies want. UN has published a paper on the benefits of world hunger.

Alex Epstein’s book Fossil Future explains why fossil fuels are necessary for the future well-being of humanity.

Sri Lanka president forced to flee from protesters at presidential palace. That’s how you do it.

Finland seizes 1000 Russian rail cars. Why not, the United States government seized millions in Russian bank accounts in the West.

Russian government bans Jewish Agency from Russia. The good news just keeps on coming.

U.S. media starting to report Ukraine losses in war with Russia.

Ukraine demands $750 billion for reconstruction. European nations are trying to negotiate postwar construction projects in Ukraine.

Ukraine serves forced conscription papers at churches.

Belgium requires all shops to accept digital payments, bans cash. Coming to a country near you.

All new EU vehicles sold will have black box recorders.

Governor Noem warns Biden is allowing China to buy land, chemical plants, food plants in the U.S.

Biden sold a million barrels from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve to a China company linked to Hunter Biden. More here.

Canada has imposed sanctions on Patriarch Krill. That will show him.

Texas declares border crisis an invasion.

How Satanists view abortion.

Makow: Hollywood elites feast on the blood of children.

Jacinda Adern knows the vaccines don’t work.

EU warns vaccine booster shots can destroy immune system.

Pandemic babies in Australia have no immune system.

Air Force to purge 700 unvaccinated pilots.

Ron DeSantis is a member of secret societies and elite fraternities. Too bad, we like DeSantis.

The shooter was a liberal.

How the CIA and U.S. military influence social media.

Japanese distribute a book informing that homosexuality is an acquired mental disorder or addiction.

Tom Luongo thinks the G7 has already lost their war against Russia. It’s not just that the sanctions failed and Western military arms are being shipped to Ukraine. The free nations of the G20 (G13) are organizing an international boycott against Europe and the United States, to include banning oil shipments and replacing the dollar.

Georgia Guidestones were bombed, razed:

Rothschilds controlled Vatican finances.

What happens when you hire woke employees.

UK drivers protest fuel price hikes. Patel wants prison and unlimited fines for protesters.

Can we fan the spirit of rebellion to actually make a difference?

Putin has gas:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “News for July 9, 2022”

  1. Bunkerville says:

    Thanks for the link.

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