News for July 5, 2024

Suddenly there are Ukraine peace rumors. Maybe because Macron’s party lost the election. Macron says France will not send troops to Ukraine. Scholz says NATO will not join Ukraine conflict. Poland, Slovakia will not send troops to Ukraine.

But Zelensky grabs another $2.2 billion from the IMF and $2.3 billion from U.S.

And NATO troops are massing at the Belarus border:

Ukraine could default on its debt.

India to sign military pact with Russia.

Putin says the U.S. is preparing a bird flu fake pandemic to sabotage the election.

Le Pen speaks after election victory in France:

“Those connected to Islamist Ideology must be stripped of their Nationality and expelled. The French who adopt the Ideology of the Enemy must be punished. Radical Mosques will be shut down…and the Muslim Brotherhood will be dissolved…” -Marine Le Pen

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) July 1, 2024

Boycott of Israel is hurting the economy:


Canadian protesters shut down railway line to block exports to Israel.

Netanyahu plans to annex West Bank to prevent formation of a Palestinian state.

Israel’s trade in human organs:

— Nadin Nabil Al Shaker (@Shnadine7777) June 26, 2024

Fascist youth in Italy told to be quiet.

Trump says he will jail his political opponents. Well, there it is.

Klaus Schwab accused of sexual harassment. No big deal, the feminists accuse everybody of sexual harassment.

Which country has the most feminists?

The gender war in South Korea.

U.S. government, Big Tech will use AI to censor speech online.

Only Democrats oppose law allowing death penalty for pedophiles in Tennessee.

Just days after exposing that every congressman has an AIPAC handler, Thomas Massie’s wife died.

A tour of Denver featuring illegal immigrants:

Rick Beato explains why the music is getting worse:

Then there’s this.

Hong Kong scientists confirm mRNA vaccines cause heart failure.

Weird stuff inside McDonald’s hamburger:

EXTREMELY CONCERNING ? Testing Shows 1 McDonald’s Quarter Pounder Burger Patty Contains OVER 1300 DIFFERENT STRANDS OF DNA

“So the University of Nebraska took 1 quarter pound patty that was headed to McDonald’s from a big processing plant and ran some tests on it. They were…

— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) July 1, 2024

Interview with Alain de Benoist. One of our best.

About our human relatives the Denisovans.

What do jewish rabbis teach about Jesus? Hello Christians?

What does ANY non Jew OWE #Israel? #FreePalestine from these demons.

— Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read! (@_NicoleNonya) July 1, 2024

Wondering why Christians care more about Israel than other Christians?

Netanyahu plans to tax Christian churches out of existence.

Another fake Holohoax witness exposed.

Jewish Holohoax promoters admit there is no hard evidence of gas chambers or documents ordering murder of jews in Nazi Germany.

Gary D. Barnett discusses the conspiracy at Lew Rockwell. Nice to see Rockwell catching up. This has been known for decades. For normie newbies, not for our good students.

Keith Woods rebuts Steve Sailer’s claim that wokeness comes from Protestant Christianity. Thanks for putting in the work, Keith. It’s the jews. Wonder why Sailer couldn’t do a little research?

Photo technician says NASA photos showed UFOs on the moon.

Is there an alien base below Indian Springs?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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