News for July 31, 2021

France, Italy require vaccine passport for social activities. Many other governments will sign on to the vaccine passport to pressure the unvaccinated.

Study in Massachusetts shows 74 percent of covid infections occurred in fully vaccinated people. This is probably the study that caused the CDC to reimpose its mask mandate.

Pelosi orders capitol police to arrest anyone not wearing a mask.

Britain will monitor food purchases to curb obesity because fat people are breaking the socialized medicine budget.

Sydney, Australia is locked down. Military sent in to enforce lockdown as 13 people die from current outbreak. Fines for noncompliance rise to $500.

“There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.”

Moderna rep admits it’s a gigantic experiment.

Mexico wants proof of vaccination.

Covid vaccination rates by race. The blacks are refusing the vaccine.

Statistics are going to be hard to verify in the current climate. Here is one report that half the new cases are vaccinated people.

In Singapore, 75 percent of new cases are among the vaccinated. The statistics of new cases among the vaccinated and unvaccinated will become an information war.

What to do when the vaccine police come to your door.

Covid protests bring down the government of Tunisia. Well, it’s a start. Why not try it in your neighborhood?

A compilation of protest videos worldwide during the past week:

As long as they can keep us protesting in the streets, they are OK. When the protests spill over into an attack on the government buildings, they are in trouble.

Polish protesters against the vaccine mandate shout, “Behind the pandemic are the jews.” And they are right.

Computing Forever summarizes the current state of affairs.

Another summary of the present set-up from Jim Quinn.

Tunku Varadarajan opines that science has lost public trust because of falsehoods about covid and climate change. Sure. But there are plenty of true believers.

47 studies confirm the ineffectiveness of masks in preventing covid. Those CDC spokesmen are not scientists. They are representing Big Pharma.

FDA revokes PCR test. Now they tell us the tests were not accurate.

Republican Guard of France resigns en masse, will no longer protect Macron. Truly a historic moment. We had written off France and given it to the Moslems, but the vaccine protests are massive, and the police and military are now turning. We give France a good chance of revolution in the next several weeks. All you have to do is storm the palace.

The developers of Artificial Intelligence are great admirers of Communist China, and they will use further applications of AI to remove our civil liberties.

Map of China’s trade with the world.

The U.S. Navy is bankrupt. And wargames have shown that the U.S. loses in any conflict with Communist China. The recent flooding in China was caused by a U.S. weather weapon. China and the United States are at war, but Biden has taken no steps to clean out the Chinese spies inside the U.S.

Britain joins U.S. war against Russia and China.

The alarming rise of far-right extremism:

The alarming rise of far-left extremism.

Biden’s Department of Justice threatens to sue any state that looks into election irregularities.

Federal government orders Amazon to stop selling the Confederate flag.

Heavily armed drug cartels operating inside Texas. Yeah, we were wondering, since the borders are open, why don’t the cartels just move in? They have.

A report on who did the leaking during the Trump administration.

Great Barrier Reef coral coverage at all-time high.

You might be interested in a new web browser called Dissenter.

The Crown is not the Queen of England. A report on the City of London.

The secret handshakes of the Illuminati.

The origins of Russian Freemasonry. (light version)

Democrats involved in sex crimes against children.

How you can use a small business display area to promote civil war.

Bad News: The United States is among the least racist countries in the world.  If you want the white race to survive the jewish-controlled replacement of whites, you will have to become a race-supporter, not a race-traitor.

“It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanity’s interest that whites experience a genocide. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.” – Rabbi Ishmael Levitts

We don’t need to agree about the ideal form of government to oppose the anti-white agenda being promoted by the rabbis.

Hitler calls out the satanic jews for plundering Germany:

Why were the Nazis so stylish?

“In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.”  George Orwell

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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