News for July 29, 2023

Peace agreement has been negotiated between U.S. and Russia to halt Ukraine war. Russia gets territory and security assurances. Zelensky and his cabal have to go. NATO to position troops nearby to discourage further Russian advances. Not final yet.

Patriots International Alliance is pushing for a ceasefire summit in Ukraine. Their mission statement.

One Ukrainian crime boss has been arrested.

Department of Defense gives another $400 million package to Ukraine. Russia says U.S. weapons are worse than Soviet-era Russian weapons and are not worth de-engineering.

The Polish wildcard. Poland wants some of Ukraine’s territory and is preparing for war on the ground:

Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson: Poland plans to launch an operation. Perhaps against Belarus. To draw NATO into the fight.

Because now they understand that Ukraine is losing. And it loses a lot. No longer able to maintain the image that Ukraine is winning or Ukraine is fighting…

— Mats Nilsson (@mazzenilsson) July 23, 2023

Ratcliffe seems to have the best grasp of the Biden corruption news:

Six banks have suspicious activity reports on Joe Biden. Bring it.

More evidence Zelensky is blackmailing Biden.

Physical evidence of Joe’s dementia.

Biden wants to ban gas-powered generators.

Robert Kennedy calls for investigation of Biden crime family. This sticks another nail in it.

Meloni supports more immigration into Italy. Another fake conservative.

The WEF plan is to apply the lessons of the covid lockdowns to climate change. They are sure you will comply.

A look at the strategic partners of the World Economic Forum and their treasonous activities.

Donald Trump awarded crown of Jerusalem, hints he might go to Israel and get elected prime minister. He thinks he’s king of the jews.

Grusch testifies before Congress that he knows exact location of UFOs, and “biologics” have been recovered. We consider this to be official disclosure, though we haven’t seen any evidence. Also here.

Christopher Mellon testimony.

Alex Jones and friends are rightly skeptical about Grusch and other whistleblowers. We think their testimony is approved by the Defense Department and they are just following orders, but we think the testimony is real. Let’s see the evidence.

Alex Jones brings @DarrenJBeattie and @darkjournalist together to discuss todays UFO/UAP hearing

— Enerzoa (@enerzoa) July 27, 2023

Brian Charles on remote viewing of the fourth dimension:

Robert Duncan explains how they hack your mind:

Linda Moulton Howe interviews a channeler who claims to be the reincarnation of a woman in the Vril circle of Maria Orsic. We usually steer away from channelers because you can’t trust their source, but this one is interesting. She could be a fake, but we think she is one of Hitler’s ubermenschen. Howe has been after the truth her whole life but doesn’t even know the law is reincarnation.

Nikola Tesla thought he was in contact with aliens.

‘Climate Science’ debunked in 90 seconds.

— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) July 24, 2023

Biden administration report says climate change has no effect on the economy.

Naive folks are lining up to have their eyeballs scanned as a requirement for joining Worldcoin. Don’t do it.

Freemasons are chipping and tracking children. Don’t let the Freemasons near your kids.

?? MEP Blows EU’s Climate Scam Plans Wide Open??

The EU is using the Climate Scam to seize agricultural land from farmers, with the ultimate aim of making real food inaccessible to EU citizens, MEP Mislav Kolakuši? says, calling it “idiotic nonsense.” ?????

— Sophia Dahl (@sophiadahl1) July 22, 2023

Thailand pays $45 million to covid sufferers. Seems like the right thing to do.

Florida grand jury is investigating Pfizer and Moderna deaths and injuries. Good luck with that. Prosecuting Pfizer and Moderna is our highest priority, so they can’t do it to us again.

Lots of medical studies are faked.

Murder in the hospitals:

This is the greatest 27 seconds in TV broadcast history. Nothing else even comes close. ??

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 22, 2023

Signs of life in East Germany.

A report on black violence on U.S. military bases.

We want to give a little space to Pearl Davis because feminism is such a plague:



— H. Pearl Davis (@pearlythingz) July 24, 2023

Satanic human sacrifices in Hollywood.

Older posts on the satanic music industry. Part 1, Symbols. Part 2, The Agenda.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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