News for July 15, 2023

NATO summit: Ukraine denied NATO membership, no peace negotiations, but Europe plans to further arm Ukraine. NATO is planning a wider war with Russia, but the allies are running short of weapons.

NATO’s 6-month plan for Ukraine.

Russia responds to NATO summit with list of its crimes, outlines plans for NATO worldwide expansion.

Germany to send 4,000 troops to Lithuania.

Biden sends 3,000 reserve troops to Europe.

NATO summit: Macron will supply long-range Cruise missiles to Ukraine. We thought Macron might broker peace in Ukraine, but somebody got to him.

Gavin Mortimer believes the French drug gangs ended the French riots because they were “bad for business.” Maybe. But we think the CIA encouraged the riots to put pressure on Macron to offer more support for Ukraine. Eric Striker has deep background on CIA efforts to organize immigrants to France into anti-white gangs.

? Henry Kissinger — master of the deep state — admits Ukraine blew up the Nordstream Pipeline.

He did this while being punk’d by Russians.

How embarrassing

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 11, 2023

Wagner forces now integrated into Russian military. Looks like Prigozhin conned the CIA and the rebellion was a scam.

Dutch Rutte coalition government falls due to disagreement with Green party over immigration, not farmer protests.

Protesters shut down anal sex celebration in Georgia.

China claims to have neurostrike weapons that attack the brain.

FBI Director Wray confirms Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukraine bribes. But “under investigation” doesn’t really mean anything for this FBI.


— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) July 5, 2023

Department of Justice indicts Biden whistleblower. They are not going to let anything out that could hurt Biden.

World Economic Forum says digital ID must be implanted under skin.

World Economic Forum orders governments to prepare for billions of social credit prisoners.

90 percent of new jobs in U.S. go to foreigners.

Some banks in Australia no longer keeping cash.

Mike Whitney has an important piece explaining China’s rapid economic growth as compared with U.S. decline.

The Taliban crushed the CIA’s heroin smuggling operation in Afghanistan.

Video claims Carlos Slim funded the film Sound of Freedom and further exposes child protective services groups as child sex traffickers.

Study shows that Pfizer covid vaccine batches varied drastically in quality. We reported this last year. No one has questioned Pfizer about this variation.

Britain’s National Health Service wants an app to be issued that will include vaccine information as well as mental health, ethnic origin, and criminal behavior data.

The NHS app has been updated to include far more than vaccine jabs.

Julia: “Data relating to mental health, lifestyle, ethnic origin, biometric data and alleged criminal behaviour; what the hell does that have to do with proving you’ve had two jabs!?”@JuliaHB1 | @silkiecarlo

— TalkTV (@TalkTV) May 20, 2021

Dr. Joseph Mercola says vaccines are killing “huge numbers” of people.

RFK, Jr. says covid was “ethnically targeted” to spare jews. We know that ethnic targeting is possible, and we know covid was entirely a jewish operation. RFK has a lot of guts to reveal this information, but it could get him killed. Jews don’t tolerate exposure of their crimes.

Biden says it’s no accident mixed race couples dominate TV.

10 lies about global warming.

Green energy failures provoking backlash.

Alex Epstein testifies before Congress:

“insofar as solar and wind can be cost-competitive and actually provide reliable electricity, great. But forcing inferior energy on us is a disaster, and it causes an energy emergency in the name of a phony climate emergency.”

With @GOPoversight

— Alex Epstein (@AlexEpstein) July 8, 2023

Bill Gates is trying to find viruses in caves and bring them to the public.

Disney theme parks are almost empty this summer. Several Disney news clips at this link. Boycott of woke Disney is great news for our culture war.

The Truth will put 99% in the hospital

They do far more than “traffic”…@reallycaviezel

— The Punisher (@PunishDem1776) July 6, 2023

Pope Francis will create a “synodal church” to integrate sex perverts into the Catholic church.

Ralphie May on the LGBT community ~20 years ago.

What a legend.

— Alex Rosen (@iFightForKids) July 6, 2023

Bill Clinton and Alex Soros meet with pope.

First elected transgender state representative arrested for child porn.

Burger King stores facing bankruptcy:

Why dating apps aren’t a good idea.

I keep trying to think of things women are better at and I can’t think of any lol.

I thought maybe we are more compassionate and less violent but then I thought about the fact that 1 out of 3 women has killed her own child

— H. Pearl Davis (@pearlythingz) July 7, 2023

The opinion from France is that transgenders are destroying feminism. Looks that way.

How the British invented the Holohoax gas chamber myth. And passed it on to the jews.

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn has a brief history of the French Revolution as sex-themed sadistic mass murder. This is a great place to get this history if you don’t have this by now.

Jews admit they want White genocide.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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