News for July 1, 2023


What the Wagner mutiny was all about. Not the final word on the subject, but we may never know exactly what happened. How Putin controlled Prigozhin. Rumor has it that the CIA offered Prigozhin a billion dollars to attack Moscow, but Prigozhin later turned and cooperated with Putin. We don’t know for sure. Putin has taken control of all Wagner forces, including Africa.

Prigozhin calls Wagner troops to Belarus, may be preparing offensive against Ukraine from new base. If Prigozhin enters the Ukraine war from Belarus, it will confirm his alliance with Putin rather than exile.

Russia recalls all diplomats from U.S. territory.

Russian strike kills 2 Ukrainian generals.

NATO trains terrorists to invade Belarus.

The takeover of Ukrainian farmland by foreign interests is a hidden agenda.

Russia turns against subversive World Wildlife Fund. We exposed the WWF as an elite globalist scam years ago.

UN records increase of torture of civilians by Ukraine forces.

Former first lady of Georgia controls Ukraine organ harvesting.

Sweden veers away from renewable energy, plans to build nuclear energy plants. Also see here.

Slovakia fights back against digital euro.

Joe Biden confesses he sold state secrets at meeting with India Prime Minister Modi.

IRS whistleblower contradicts Attorney General Merrick Garland on Hunter Biden charges.

Raytheon CEO says U.S. military dependent on China for key minerals.

U.S. Senate proposes amnesty for defense contractors who disclose alien information.

96 percent of homicides in New York City are committed by nonwhites.

The cost of the buildout of electric energy infrastructure basically condemns the Green agenda to failure.

Siemens having problems with wind turbines.

U.S. signs international commitment to reducing methane gas. Bad news for cattle farmers and beef eaters.

South Dakota farmers facing land theft.

150 Bilderbergers who controlled the covid pandemic. 

Who’s who among the top crime families of the world. This is one of the most important pieces of research we have come across.

Wuhan researcher: Covid was an engineered bioweapon. Yeah, that’s what we said.

An update on the global depopulation agenda.

About 600,000 Americans a year are dying from the mRNA vaccines.

Scientist claims 13 million dead from covid vaccines.

Star Trek actor has been recruited to play Obama double. The top leaders have doubles.

Steve Kangas has put together a timeline of CIA atrocities.

How to view and disable the map your iphone makes of your movements.

Microsoft will use AI to spy on Windows users.

Calling attention to the problems created by flooding the public schools with poor foreigners who don’t speak English.

IRS agents are raiding gun stores and collecting purchase data:

The Jim Caviezel movie about human trafficking. Also see this interview.

How Christians are involved in child sex trafficking.

The Hebrew Bible stories can be traced back to the Sumerian scriptures. This video takes just one example, the story of Cain and Abel. Reconstructing the Adam and Eve story is more important, hope you’ve got that.

Further reading for those who are ready to look behind the Bible stories. The Hebrew Bible isn’t the word of “God,” it’s a patchwork the jews made up from preexisting literature.

The famous David Cole video investigating the false claims of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Jew confesses to their crimes.

The Robert Monroe recipe for out-of-body experiences was used to map the spiritual dimensions:

Greyfalcon argues that the Roswell UFO craft might have been German, not alien. We’re open minded, but there were reports of alien bodies recovered from Roswell.

Patriots wishing to reclaim “freedom” are quite different from Aryans who want to preserve their race. We can be allies as we have a common enemy, but these are fundamentally two different worldviews. Patriots who refer to liberty, equality, fraternity, or happiness as their values are carrying the jew mind control virus.

Gregory Hood points out the difficulties involved in reconstructing White Nationalism from today’s globalism. The hard part is re-forming a White volk because of the many false narratives Whites believe.

Julius Evola, Against the Neo-Pagans.

Aliens in ancient Japan:

The location of the Council of Nicea crime scene is now a mosque. A tour.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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