News for August 3, 2024

Israel assassinates Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Iran will retaliate. The war escalates and will continue to escalate.

U.S. military vows to defend Israel.

Erdogan warns Israel that Turkey might invade. If he does, he will go down as one of the great men of history.

Medvedev warns Israel of full-scale war.

Israel says it has a right to rape Palestinian prisoners. According to the Talmud and the Bible, they do.

Zelensky begins default on Ukraine debt.

Biden announces $1.7 billion in new aid and weapons for Ukraine.

Fabian Scheidler on Europe’s insane commitment to war.

World Economic Forum plans to kill off 1 billion White people by 2030.

CIA denies that Thomas Crooks was their MK-Ultra shooter. But the CIA lies about everything.

Local police officer says there was no communication with the Secret Service prior to the assassination attempt.

CIA agent says they don’t care about democracy. We already knew that, but thanks.

120,000 Chinese PLA soldiers have entered the U.S. from the southern border. More here.

Hundreds of children were tortured and killed during the Olympics. This is really shocking, nasty stuff. The People’s Voice is one of our best sources.

Big anti-immigration protest in London. Wonder why there are no anti-immigration protests in the U.S.?

BRICS alternate financial system is up and going:

Former senior executives at Pfizer are charging the company with designing their vaccines to cause heart disease and cancer.

Europe will require a vaccination card. More epidemics planned.

Massive child sex abuse reported in New Zealand.

Janet Ossebaard, recently deceased, was a Dutch researcher into the New World Order. She was responsible for videos that informed many Europeans. You can watch them here or here.

How the jews took over and wrecked Ireland.

The 2024 cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove (video).

Vlad Tepes has something about recent feminist Marxist theory.

A rabbi predicts the future demise of Christianity.

AI translates Hitler’s speech of July 28, 1922 into English:

Ayelet Gilboa lectures on biblical archaeology and the origin of Israel:

An interview with Laurent Guyenot. We admire his work. The first part of this interview is about chronology, which goes nowhere. After about 25 minutes it gets interesting. Guyenot blames the Catholic church for preventing the unification of the European people in the Middle Ages. Nice observation.

Alexander Wolfheze’s introduction also struck us as making an important point. There are very few merit-based conservative scholars in the modern university. We can’t think of one whom we follow besides Guyenot. What value are historians to us if they are not aware of the jewish conspiracy?

Now that the universities have been gutted by Marxist materialists, can we imagine restoring universities to their former greatness as centers of scholarship that actually influence the beliefs and practices of White society, fragmented as it is? We can’t imagine a purge that would make this possible, and our race’s straits are so dire that such a project has low priority even if we could imagine it. We would, however, like to preserve the libraries.

We don’t find much comedy these days. This is funny:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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