News for August 23, 2024

We are near a turning point as the BRICs nations are preparing to launch a new international currency system next month to replace the SWIFT system dominated by the jews. The BRICs economies are generally thriving, although China is not doing well at this moment, whereas the Western economies are shrinking.

Japan is preparing to escape satanic jewish control because their doctors understand that the jewish mRNA vaccines were designed to cause illness and death. Japan is about to elect a new prime minister. Japan is investing in its own military, separate from the U.S. military command, and Japan is reaching out to Mongolia, South Korea, and several inland East Asian states to form a new trade and security group.

This leaves Israel, Australia, Ukraine, the United States, France, England, and Spain under satanic jewish control. Germany is upset about the Nordstream pipeline destruction and has refused to give Ukraine more aid. Germany is edging toward alliance with the BRICs.

Alexander Dugin calls this process “decoupling.” The BRICs are “decoupling,” but they will form new globalist institutions to foster cooperation. Hopefully they will exclude the jews from these new institutions.

Ukraine continues to take casualties despite its recent invasion of Kursk. This invasion means Russia will not talk peace with the Zelensky regime. Ukraine attacks Moscow. Ukraine is importing mercenaries from Colombia.

Russians find adrenochrome factories in Ukraine. Zelensky is an adrenochrome addict. Here is a video on andrenochrome if you haven’t got this yet.

Iran is holding back from retaliation because Israel threatened nukes:

Kamala requires all campaign staff to be vaccinated.

The plane that crashed in Brazil killing 62 had 8 cancer doctors on board on their way to a conference where they were going to blame the rise in cancer on mRNA vaccines.

Biden funds Catholic charities with $800 million to traffick illegal immigrants.

Biden received $27 million from foreign entities. Republicans refused to impeach him.

Milton Friedman explains inflation in terms even a Democrat could understand.

Crooks was spotted on the roof well before shots were fired. He communicated with someone right before the shots were fired.

It’s stunning how much money illegal aliens are getting in Chicago.

A puzzling report that FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. has been shut down.

David Virtue studies evangelicals and concludes there are few of them and most are influenced by the satanic jewish culture.

Bill Gates is inserting HIV into the monkeypox vaccine.

Gregory Stenstrom profiles the elites who run America. Now it’s being called “The Council.”

The American Patriots Three Percent militia.

The countries that are going to run out of people.

J.D. Unwin studies the relationship between sex and culture:

David Icke believes that the demonic realm communicates with the blueblood royals to keep humanity locked into a prison planet:

The jews organized a celebration of their strange religion at the Chicago World’s Fair. As far as we know, no children were sacrificed to Moloch that day.

Jewish people support gay soldiers’ rape of Palestinians.

How the jews organized the Anti-Defamation League.

The Stern Gang and jewish terrorism against Palestinians as Israel was established:

More on the early days of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians:

On the Bar Kokhba Revolt and the Roman conquest of the jews:

When Buddhism met Greek civilization:

In 1995 Phil Schneider revealed the existence of underground bases where the U.S. military cooperates with aliens. Ansh Srivastava summarizes this history. Phil Schneider paid with his life for revealing this information.

Jay Weidner has a very interesting piece on how NASA and Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings.

An interview with Mark Collett on the recent protests in England and the crackdown.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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