News for August 19, 2023

Lots of reporting in the alt media that the Lahaina fire was caused by laser weapons.

Eyewitness survivor speaks. And this.

The government of Hawaii wants to make Maui the first Smart Island.

U.S. Space Force headquarters are located just east of Lahaina.

China talks about the illegal annexation of Hawaii.

China says it has developed laser weapons that can continue to fire indefinitely. A good reason not to go to war with China.

African Union rejects military action in Niger. Peace, for the moment.

The military coup in Niger might not ripple, but Patrick Lawrence explains why it might.

Observers are pretty unanimous in concluding that Ukraine’s military offensive has failed. Ukraine launches terrorist drone attack on Moscow’s financial center.

How Biden squashed Ukraine’s peace talks.

Poland sends 10,000 troops to border with Belarus. Poland could enter the war to get territory.

Biden planning to build new cities for illegal immigrants, with your money, of course.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense accuses U.S. of planning a new pandemic.

Full video of Russian MoD’s Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov report on how the US has started preparing for a new pandemic, new information about Pentagon’s biological warfare program and documents uncovered during the special operation in Ukraine.

— COMBATE |?? (@upholdreality) August 16, 2023

The next pandemic will arrive in October.

Covid variant discovered in UK.

Russia is planning a refuge for whites who want to escape from South Africa.

UK health crisis: Over 7.6 million on waiting list for hospital treatment. Socialized medicine is just another one of their many screw jobs.

UK is pioneering the “no cash, no shopping, no banks, just home delivery” style of shopping. They want us to just stay home. Coming to a country near you.

Friday Orwellian Special

Scanning is required to enter and exit new Whole Foods in

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 18, 2023

Migrant mob attacks AfD politician in Germany. Antifa is strong in Germany.

Nationwide cell network connects election equipment, allows federal government to access election precincts. We think it’s a sure bet the Democrats will fix the election in 2024, too.

Jeffrey Tucker wonders how the vaccine industry was able to buy governments.

EcoHealth Alliance faces lawsuit for gain-of-function research. Good luck with that.

Centers for Disease Control data show over 118,000 children died suddenly after taking the covid vaccine. But Pfizer and the various governments continue to march on with the jabs.

Florida Republicans declare covid vaccines a bioweapon.

Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakuši?, doesn’t mince his words to the EU Parliament:

“It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation].”

“[The WHO] should be declared a…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 13, 2023

Stop World Control has an overview of the covid pandemic—lies, fraud, censorship, mass murder.

Chossudovsky says Bill Gates profited from insider trading on the pandemic.

Scientists say EPA climate regulations are based on a hoax.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: Net Zero policies will result in the genocide of half the population.

“If we banned fossil fuels, agricultural production would collapse in a very short period of time.. People will begin to starve… and half the population will die in a…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 15, 2023

Google partners with UN, WHO and others to roll out global censorship tool.

How Israeli Intelligence took over Meta, Google, and Microsoft.

Inside the jewish censorship command center:

The Great Awakening documentary. In case you never heard of New World Order University.

Massive floods in China as economy takes a nosedive and Evergrande declares bankruptcy.

Robert Kennedy speaks about the role of the CIA in the assassination of JFK.

Kennedy explains Anthony Fauci’s crimes:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr… 300 scientists wrote to President Obama warning that he must shut down Anthony Fauci because he’s going to create a microbe that will cause a global pandemic..

Obama shut down 18 of the most dangerous BSL4 labs in America and allowed Fauci to shift his…

— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 15, 2023

What the Democrats did to Los Angeles.

Canada’s DEI program leads to suicide.

White guys are now pretending to be black to get into college.

Crime is so bad in Washington, D.C. that Democrats want to call up the National Guard.

UFO whistleblower David Grusch gets some blowback.

We have never been keen on protesting or dressing up in Nazi uniforms or holding public rallies. Such organizations are easily infiltrated and suppressed, and these activities give the socialists in power the opportunity to take away more of our rights.

The Rhodes scholars were indoctrinated in Illuminati globalism. Unlimited Hangout covers Cecil Rhodes’s influence on the twentieth century.

2-minute video explaining why the Hebrew Bible is a hoax:

Of course you are going to need more than this to understand that the Hebrew Bible is jewish fiction. The Babylonian tablets tell the story of the Annunaki in Sumer, which is a more complete version of the bible stories.

The story of Putin and the jewish oligarchs, at Real History.

The real Oppenheimer was a jewish traitor.  Hollywood movies are just jew mind poison.

Freemasons are agents of the reptilian Annunaki. 

Pedophilia and cannibalism are instinctive behaviors of the Annunaki and their bloodline remnants.

We have seen references at alt websites to the idea that only about one-third of humans have a soul. This finding is the result of research by Corrado Malanga using something he calls the triad color test. Eve Lorgan reports on this research as well as problems caused by sexual relationships with people possessed by interdimensional entities. We believe it’s possible to pick up a demon from sexual intercourse, which is why discernment is high priority in choosing a sex partner. Like your mama said, unless your mama was a feminist.

Rothschilds into seventh generation of family rule.

This is news: Alex Jones approves of transgender surgeries. How disappointing. We haven’t followed Alex for years because we have good sources and we can read, but we appreciate his contribution in the early years of his show. Pro-jewish and pro-tranny is just too much for us to support this guy.

John Prine, Summer’s End

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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