News for August 17, 2024

NATO troops participated in the recent invasion of Russia. Russia has known for some time that this is a wider war against the satanic West.

Ukraine invaders set Russian nuclear power station on fire. Evacuations inside Russia, but Russian military successes recorded in Donetsk.

Russia’s war plans include nuke attacks on NATO.

Biden plans to replace Zelensky with Arsen Avakov. Good thing Zelensky has millions of U.S. dollars to see him through.

Ukraine has defaulted on its debt. Next, a government collapse without more foreign funding.

Edward Curtin has a few words about the U.S. election charade. The knowledge base of the voting public is cause for abandoning democracy.

Laura Loomer has a nice piece on the Democratic party control over black churches and their support for Kamala. Blacks vote 95 percent Communist. Can’t rely on these evangelicals to do anything to save the White race.

Charles Hugh Smith explains why the global economy is out of growth engines.

The FBI released Crooks’ body for cremation. No autopsy has been released. The FBI scrubbed the crime scene, lied, and is withholding evidence.

Family says Crooks was an FBI employee:

Chris Martenson audio bullet track analysis shows there were three shooters.

Second shooter mentioned by eyewitness.

Congressman Higgins has released a preliminary report on the assassination attempt.

FBI allowed potential Trump assassin into the U.S. And Biden just imported an assassination expert from Russia.

They are installing ATMs with a slot for your vaccination card in the U.S.

Police scour internet for hate in UK. More here.

Brandon Smith thinks the immigrants are being formed into military units.

Bad harvests in Europe mean future food problems.

Kamala was given $42 billion to upgrade the internet. So far, no projects have been started.

How the Democrats steal California’s money for the homeless. This is why republics are the worst form of government. Government is just a crime syndicate now.

Smartmatic voting machine company president indicted for bribery, money laundering.

The driving crisis in New York city:

Masayasu Inoue exposes the covid murder agenda:

Japan finds nanobots in 96 million citizens, declares state of emergency.

Monkeypox vaccine contains poison.

A study from Greece shows there is no “man-made climate change.”

Harley-Davidson goes woke, goes broke. More here.

Apple entrepreneur camp won’t accept White guys.

Short video on the jews who run the government.

Allie Stuckey emerges as leader for conservative women. goes through the Bible to expose all the crimes committed by the Hebrews and their god. It’s one way to get Christians off of their jewish brainwashing. White people don’t need the 10 commandments.

Study of Stonehenge rocks indicates some came from Scotland.

New translations of Babylonian tablets show predictions were based on eclipses.

A good video on the discovery of the tomb of Gilgamesh and the looting of ancient artifacts during the Iraq war.

Review of Hellstorm by J.A. Sexton. The Allied holocaust against Nazi Germany has been covered up by the phony jewish Holohoax.

Lord Rothschild: “My family created Israel.” So, it was the satanic jews controlling their British lackeys that gave the criminal mafia a homeland.

Selwyn Duke on the eradication of Western civilization. It’s well under way.

Elizabeth Nickson on the Luciferian programming used by the elite bloodlines.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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