News for August 10, 2024

Why no Iran retaliation attack on Israel this week? Iran’s president Pezeshkian gave the order to stand down. Is he fearful of a U.S. military response?

Ukraine invades Russia. More here.

NATO plans to deploy 800,000 troops to the Russian border. World War III. With all these reports about the weakness of the military in Britain, Germany, and France, how are they going to find 800,000 troops?

North Korea shows off new weapons. North Korea is supporting Iran.

The English riots have stopped due to a counter-protest and stiff sentences handed down for participants. Protests look appealing, but grassroots protests fail, as in the case of the French Yellow Vests and the Canadian truckers, without financing, organization, and a long-term plan to get rid of the globalist politicians.

Rachel Marsden writes from England about the background to the riots.

Edward Dutton explains the English riots in terms of evolutionary psychology.

Keir Starmer’s address to the English people. Harsh sentences are going to take the wind out of these protests. Mosques will be offered special security.

Someone is arming the Muslims.

Tommy Robinson’s role in the riots was to shift the focus of the narrative to Islam rather than a generalized racism against all foreigners. Tommy Robinson is an agent of Israel. More on Tommy here.

From 2019, a report on jewish leaders of the fake Alt-Right opposition.

What the folks have to say:

Erdogan controls militarized mosques inside the United States.

EU gives 50 billion more to Ukraine. Let’s kill more people and wreck our economies for the jewish child sex traffickers.

800,000 Ukrainians are dodging military conscription. Popular support for this war has evaporated.

In the recent prisoner swap with Russia, the U.S. got Paul Whelan, who manages snipers and sells weapons. Wonder why Biden would be interested in importing snipers?

Secret Service agent says he was ordered to “stand down” to permit Trump assassination.

Ninja Focus has some video on the different positions of the “shooter” on the roof and the problem of shooting angles.

How Ron DeSantis purged Florida universities of Marxists. It can be done.

The 2020 election was rigged from Italy.

A report on waste and fraud in New York’s migrant services program.

Waste and fraud are how the governments operate.

Maryland wastes millions on electric school buses.

Massachusetts will ban the words “mother” and “father.”

Moderna admits mRNA shots cause cancer.

Vaccine inventor says mRNA was designed to depopulate the world:

The irrelevance of Victor Davis Hanson:

Hanson has a great education in history but never mentions the jewish conspiracy. He wishes for a leader to unite America–unite Communists and anti-Communists? Not going to happen. He wishes for a strong U.S. military, which is the greatest threat to world peace besides Israel. He thinks skin color is relatively meaningless. How can such a smart guy be so wrong about so many issues? Well, he’s locked into patriotic values and thinks they can be spread to other races. He needs to study Mein Kampf.

Stunning reveal of inbreeding statistics among the Pakistanis. A reminder of why Whites need to practice racial hygiene.

Jews prepare to sacrifice a cow to hasten the arrival of their military dictator messiah. What a weird religion. Shouldn’t this be illegal?


Andrew Anglin, Even the Taliban Didn’t “Solve” the Woman Problem. We’ve been warning about feminism since 2008, so we are not too impressed when someone writes that feminism is a problem. Alt-Righters have been saying for decades now that Islam has the right idea about controlling women. Andrew Anglin amplifies. Getting this right is crucial to saving the White race. The fundamental problem is, if motherhood is not attractive to White women, there isn’t going to be a White race.

Julius Evola, Overcoming Activism. Our greatest thinker on why the modern age cannot achieve worthwhile goals. There is no concept of spiritual nobility among the secular materialists.

How Napoleon seized power:

Hitler explains how the jews planned to exterminate the Germans. The most important theme of Western history is Aryan vs. jew.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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