News for April 29, 2023

Viktor Orban explains how Europe is being transformed by the war in Ukraine:

Xi and Zelensky discuss possibilities for peace in Ukraine. We have no idea where this might lead, but it seems significant that Zelensky isn’t holding public peace talks with Biden.

Russian dissident Strelkov wants to negotiate Ukraine peace with Biden. A “deep state” inside Russia wants to end this war. Putin wants to wipe out the present government.

Ukraine soldiers deserting, just as the Ukraine counteroffensive was set to begin?

Fauci, Department of Defense, and Centers for Disease Control funded weaponized bioresearch in Sudan.  Now the lab is in the hands of militants.

Whistleblower who had info on the Biden crime family has disappeared.

Doctors were paid $100 billion to kill Americans.

DARPA admits creating mRNA shots many years before the pandemic.

WHO plans to spread mRNA vaccines around the world.

RFK, Jr. claims about covid have been censored from ABC News interview. The jewish media are in bed with jewish Big Pharma, and they are not going to apologize for their crimes and back down.

UN wants to legalize pedophilia. Because the elites are pedophiles.

Child sex trafficking on Facebook and Instagram. Keep your kids off of social media.

Mentally ill moms create gender confusion in their kids.

How pedophiles buy kids:

Young feminist figures it out:

Whoa.. this lady is amazing ????

— Pelham (@Resist_05) April 21, 2023

They sent a feminist jew to take down Tucker with harassment charges. They didn’t even work together. There’s lots of talk around the interweb about how great Tucker is, and how bad Fox News is, but NWOU has provided more accurate news than Tucker has. There was never any reason to watch Tucker, he’s a racial integrationist and a constitution restorer, not a White Nationalist. We wouldn’t call Tucker Alt Right. The jews have controlled Tucker, and he was happy to work for them. Get your news from the internet. TV news is controlled opposition.

Texas gets its first fully automated McDonalds. More of these in your future.

20 major retailers plan to shut down stores. Too much black crime.

This woman is on the verge of realizing something.

— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) April 22, 2023

How the Rockefellers took over the medical industry. It wasn’t about improving health.

We usually don’t write much about or link to pieces about the culture wars because White culture has been cancelled. The jews control the movies, social media, and TV, and the blacks and muzzies will physically destroy the vestiges of White rule. The Christians have been taken over by the Illuminati. The Christians are so cucked by Israel that they are like prisoners in a prison camp who idolize their slave masters. Christians are incapable of being warriors against the jews, and their culture is useless for preserving the White race and ending jewish rule. This leaves White history as the source of any inspiring cultural models.

We don’t find it worthwhile to chronicle the decline of White culture, you can read Victor Davis Hanson if you want a record of the history of White decline and the rise of liberal shit culture. But this week we came across a well-written piece by Sam Kriss, All the Nerds Are Dead. We’ll make an exception for this piece. Hat tip for great writing. The multi-cult doesn’t preserve native cultures, it is erasing differences and flattening everyone out with identity politics. Sorry, most people you meet are going to be Satanists, mentally ill sex perverts, or socialist zombies, regardless of race or gender.

David Gelland, Who Is the Art World For? offers a history of the manipulation of art and artists to create a market that really cares nothing about good taste or human values. Support volk artists who stand Against the Modern World.

Emine Saner notices feminists embracing celibacy after their sexual revolution dreams burst. Too much feminism and sociology here for us to care about these people.

Rabbi Michael Laitman says jews are aliens sent to conquer earth.

“We Jews consider our race as superior to all humanity and look forward not to our ultimate union with other races but our final triumph over them.” Goldwin Smith, Jewish professor of Modern History, Oxford University.

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish Planning and Jewish Dissatisfaction, our plan is to have a New World Order, what worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become a reality for the whole world.” The American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920.

“We have exterminated the Property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in America and Europe.” The Jew, 1925.

“All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.” Sculchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 348.

“The World Revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.” Le Peuple Juif Feb. 8, 1919.

“We possess several hundred Atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions. Perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our Air Force. We have the capability to take the world down with us and I can assure you that will happen before Israel goes under.” Martin Van Creveld, Israeli Professor.

The most important discoveries in ancient Egypt:

10 UFO crash incidents:

Creepy facts about the Vatican:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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