News for April 13, 2024

U.S. military shoots down Iranian drones attacking Israel.

Iran says its military action against Israel is concluded.

On Israel’s attempt to drag Iran into war.

How Israel controls America.

A look at Israel’s war propaganda.

Israel grants 12 gas exploration licenses in Palestine. Another violation of international law.

Russia bombs Ukraine’s power plants in retaliation for terror attacks inside Russia.

Who might replace Zelensky?

Yemen defeats U.S. military.

China’s dispute with the Philippines.

Germany’s intelligence chief defends censorship.

European Parliament passes Asylum and Migration Pact, which will fine member countries for refusing to take illegal immigrants.

States can arrest illegal immigrants.

Florida is the target for Haiti’s migrants.

UN is organizing the immigration of paid mercenaries to serve as a bolshevik army inside the U.S.

California “loses track” of $24 billion allocated to help the homeless. The California government is nothing but a crime syndicate.

Denver diverts $90 million to support immigrants. Now they are calling immigration a crisis. They had plenty of time to prepare.

Biden administration will give $300 million to sanctuary cities and immigration ngos.

A report on the states’ readiness for secession.

$100 billion in covid relief money remains unspent. Don’t worry, they will find a way to spend it.

German government admits there was no pandemic.

Italy’s former health minister is wanted for murder after admitting the vaccines kill people.

Businesses and banks are assigning ESG scores to customers.

98 percent of children outgrow gender confusion.

Why are so many celebrity children going tranny? We don’t buy this, we blame the parents.

San Francisco will provide guaranteed income for trannies.

The first transgender clinic was in Weimar Germany.

NOAA has been using climate data from stations that don’t exist.

Centers for Disease Control admits the covid vaccines caused injuries. How about death?

USDA is using unreliable PCR tests to announce bird flu epidemics.

Chicken owners now have to register their chickens due to bird flu fears.

Renewable energy cannot replicate all of the economic value hitherto sourced from oil, natural gas and coal. In other words, Green means poorer.

Young women are abandoning Christianity in large numbers. Feminism, of course, and we think they are sympathetic to their homosexual friends.

Scipio Eruditus has a post on Freemasonry’s influence on Haitian voodoo. Freemasonry has spread all around the world and is the source of all revolutions.

What life was like at Auschwitz.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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