News for August 9, 2020

Israel hit Beirut with a low-grade atomic weapon, according to the radiation signature:

There will be a lot of chatter and denials about this incident, but we’ll stick with Israel until proven wrong. Israel had the means and the motive.

Fire breaks out at World Trade Center in Belgium. We don’t have any background on this. Lots of terrorism going on.

HHS trip to Taiwan is designed to piss off China.

China warns U.S. that their reunification with Taiwan is inevitable.

Setting the stage; Kashmir, Ladakh and World War III is an important opinion piece that charges the United States is attempting to cut off oil sales to China. Awaiting further evidence.

A “fight back” movement is arising, it seems to be locally self-organizing. For example, Antifa meets the cowboys:

In Portland:

I want to be like this guy:


Lots of cities have calmed down, but violence against police stations continues in Portland.

If you are tired of coronavirus lockdown and want to relocate, try these 5 states.

New York city sets up quarantine checkpoints. This could become the new trend limiting domestic travel.

Fauci is a member of the Gates Foundation, was financed by Bill Gates.


Chinese California pension fund exec forced to resign due to irregular dealings with Communist China. China had access to California retirement fund.

The UN argues that the U.S. government is violating the human rights of Antifa. Because the UN are Communist New World Order.

Department of Homeland Security Fusion Centers have signed up average Joes to be domestic spies.

Congress has paid 137 U.S. cities to separate from the United States and join the UN smart cities program.

House bill will give control over local police forces to the UN.

The U.S. military is getting a steady diet of diversity and inclusion propaganda.

One game plan for the eviction crisis. This might not play out right away as Trump has signed an executive order, but the potential for chaos is there.

Google will add black-owned business badge to search results.

BLM sends extortion letters to businesses:


84 cities have declared racism a public health crisis. Linking racism to public health allows the Communists to allocate public resources, rejigger laws, conduct brainwashing sessions, and take away white people’s rights in the name of “saving black lives.” This needs to be countered. Could some lawyers please step up?

Joel Kotkin looks at multicultural California and sees worsening conditions for the minorities. It seems that everyone should have figured out by now that woke socialism creates more third-world shitholes, but the Communists don’t care.

Satanists argue that religious freedom covers satanic ritual abortion.

Headline Epidemic

A little more evidence the BLM riots were planned.

The covid pandemic and Operation Race War.

Communist party endorses Joe Biden.

Earth and People, European Identity and Resistance. You might find something here.

A brief summary of the current situation (the second half speaker is David Icke):

Brett Stevens, Diversity Is Suicide. Yeah, we know.

Tavistock mass murderers are brainwashing your children, from EIR, 1993. Just so you are up on Tavistock.

Meet Mao’s grandson:

When white radicals suddenly realize the black people have all left.

Why does everybody hate the Jews?

They left out the most important answers.


Because their New World Order is a plan to enslave everyone on the planet.
Because they murdered tens of millions of white Christian Russians.
Because they organized World Wars I and II.
Because they hoaxed the Holocaust to hide their crimes against humanity.
Because they organized and funded the invasion of Europe and the United States to replace the white race.

Oregon governor Kate Brown negotiates with Ukraine. She seems nice.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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