News for August 13, 2018

Alexander Dugin writes on Globalization and Its Enemies. We were informed by the essay and learned some new terms. “Ghost empires” are the potential developments that could trip up or delay globalization. The ghost empires are Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and Turkey. The fear of the globalists is that they will become real empires and send the Enlightenment project off the rails, replaced with multi-polar traditionalist power blocs.

We were a little surprised to find Dugin advocating outreach to Islam in hopes of deradicalizing Islam, in which case it could become a potential ghost, a traditionalist ally. Seems like wishful thinking.

Bernard Levy hopes that Europe will become a ghost empire to replace the United States. Dugin hopes that Israel will become a ghost empire. We put no stock in their hopes. It looks like the future is going to turn on what Russia, Iran, and Turkey do. Oh, and we hasten to add, don’t forget that throwing up obstacles to modernism is a wonderful activity to engage in, even if you are living in the doomed United States.

Human trafficking is a $32 billion industry. Globalists make money off of destroying nations.

Turkey wants to arrest U.S. military personnel for their part in a 2016 coup attempt. Yeah, how does the U.S. military get away with all their international activity?

Hungary bans gender studies programs. This is how you do it boys, make the Left’s subversion illegal.

More on Senator Diane Feinstein, Jew spy for Communist China.


A brief summary of recent sex scandals and the Catholic church. The Catholic church is satanic Jew World Order, and very gay, just like Israel. Notice anything Jewish on that fish hat?

Hadding Scott takes on the Jewish smear of Joseph Mengele and sets the record straight.

Trump imposes new sanctions on Russia.

STRATFOR (think tank) explains Zio-Anglo-American Plot for World Domination. Russia has to be the target or the military-industrial complex cannot continue to function.

The Endgame

What happened to Bernie Madoff’s missing money? It went to Israel and the Democratic Party.

Christian groups sue the University of Iowa.


Chief rabbi of Israel’s military advocates rape of Arab women.

Talmud advocates child molestation. That’s where the Jews get it from.

What Do Four out of the Five Biggest Wall Street Con Artists Have in Common? Oh come on, you know.

Why you should never get involved with a feminist.

“In Kabbalistic (Orthodox) Judaism, the demons must be propitiated with blood sacrifice so that the life of the people of Israel may continue unmolested.”

The Cabala advocates child sacrifice.

Why is there no archaeological evidence of ancient Jewish cities in Israel?

John Rappoport, How the Rockefellers Bankrolled Soviet Russia. Wait a minute, didn’t they try to tell us that the Rockefellers were Protestant?


A list of Christian churches inside Israel that the Jews have destroyed.

Weev writes a letter to Charlottesville. Charlottesville revisited featured about two dozen white nationalists. Some of the Antifa were disrespectful to the police.

We couldn’t help laughing at this one. It seems environmental journalists don’t know that plants get their carbon from carbon dioxide. 

The War on Whites

Smokolo reminds us the word “Nazi” is a Jewish slur. It’s “National Socialist” to you, Chad.

U.S. pilot was ordered to fire at a UFO. Not that you’re supposed to believe in UFOs.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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