News for April 19, 2018

We are not going to cover the Syrian bombing raid and all the back and forth that led up to it and followed it. You can follow that news at your favorite alt news site. But we do have one minor point to add. If the U.S. military wants to bomb chemical weapons sites, they could start here:

GEFIRA uses demographic data to suggest that Germany will start to collapse in 2020. Actually, we think Germany is lost now, the Germans will never organize and fight back and will be replaced by the Muslims.

Ash Sharp reports on conditions in Europe and opines that the future of Europe is civil war.

More civil war talk at the Woodpile Report. It seems people are getting nervous.

Britain’s Housing Minister reports that immigration has pushed up housing prices by 20 percent.

Eberhard Hamer reports that Germany is facing a housing shortage due to immigration, and higher taxes to pay for immigrant benefits. The same problem is occurring in Italy and Sweden. Paying for immigration means the natives can’t get ahead economically or pay down their massive debt even when economic growth rates show positive. It seems this outcome would have been obvious to anyone who was thinking about increasing immigration.

Viktor Orban wins third term with two-thirds majority in Hungary.


The EU responds by appointing Martin Selmayr (left) as head of the European Parliament, replacing Jean Claude Junker. Selmayr will enforce EU mandates and probably sanctions as well against Hungary and other European nations that lean nationalist. Selmayr’s nickname is “The Monster.” You don’t want to negotiate with him.

India is using a biometric scanning system required for access to food and medicine. The EU has announced it will make biometric IDs mandatory for every country. Given that China is leading the planet in facial recognition technology, will the United States be far behind? The controllers have been working up to this for a long time.

Just a small reminder that the Left does not believe in the rule of law or in free speech.

In honor of Holocaust remembrance day, Renegade Tribune has a nice editorial on this hoax.

Belgian Holocaust denier sentenced to 6 months in prison. Here is an older post on some other Holocaust whistleblowers.


One of the main talking points of the Holohoaxers is that Germany started World Wars I and II. But there is a deeper aspect to this history. Aangirfan exposes the British cabal that started World War I. Others have this history as well if you care to search for it. The Rothschild Illuminati had a grip on the British government before World War I.

Israel has decided to expel all its Africans, and any African who refuses to be deported goes to prison. Multiculturalism and globalism for us, nationalism and racial purity for the Jews. See how it works?

In Israel it is illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew, and the penalty is two years in prison.

How Israeli terrorists disguise themselves as Palestinians:


China is putting Muslims in reeducation centers and forcing them to eat pork in an effort to convert them to atheism. Well, that should be interesting.

David Icke has posted a video interview with a new MK-ULTRA survivor named Elisa. More videos available on similar topics at YouTube.

Charles Sumner, White Slavery in the Barbary States, is a book written in the nineteenth century documenting white slavery in North Africa. We understand these white slaves to have been mainly Frenchmen kidnapped by pirate ships. About a million whites were enslaved.

Clifford Shack digs into the history of the founding fathers and finds crypto-Jews. Interesting piece.

Renegade Tribune reviews Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest, a book written in 1947 documenting war crimes against the German people following World War II.

Jonas Alexis has an interesting piece called The Rise and Fall of the Alt-Right at Veterans Today. Mr. Alexis put a lot of work into this one, and it’s worth a read. Not a sympathetic portrayal, but his framework of ideas is interesting.

Alt Right? Not Right! by Nick Griffin profiles the main Alt Right leaders and finds personal shortcomings everywhere. Be careful out there.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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