New technology for the police state

Tom Burdhardt at Blacklisted News keeps up with new technologies being used to solidify the police state. Many of these technologies are developed for use on foreign battlefields, then deployed at home. The basic model is to implant RFID tracking chips in anything and everything, coordinated with robotic warfare. The “global grid” is embedded with ever more sophisticated sensors, making modern warfare a matter of surveillance and tracking, then targeting. The system is “always on” and can be coordinated from anywhere.

A second component of the new warfare is psychological operations designed to mislead, confuse, and terrorize a targeted population. As we reported in previous posts, U.S. intelligence agencies generate false news stories and plant them in the U.S. press to justify war operations abroad.

Tracking of individuals has now reached a new level of sophistication with the addition of software programs that track individual behaviors and make predictions about future acts. Everyone now has a “behavioral footprint” that can be constantly monitored and updated. If you make a move out of your normal routine, the government will know about it.

Escaping from the network of surveillance is not going to be easy. You may avoid being chipped, but it is difficult to avoid buying products that are embedded with sensors, and anyone may attach a sensor to your person or your automobile at any time. Cell phone users are constantly tracked. Charge cards are constantly tracked. Drivers licenses may soon have chips. “Smart” anything means they are going to track you. IBM is one of the great offenders in building the global police state. They even run ads on TV bragging about their “smart” planet.

The network of global communications is the global police state.

The electronic battlefield is not efficient, with so far only 6 percent of strikes being on target. There are lots of civilian casualties. The Guardian reports on sensor and drone warfare in Pakistan.

For some reason lots of people have decided to post their personal information on the internet. Thanks, that makes it easy for anyone to track you. Background article on why you should not patronize networking sites such as Facebook here.

RFID smart tracking is going to be sold to the public as a convenient way to monitor the elderly and children. They are monitoring everybody now. The Obama administration is now in the process of redefining dissent as low-level terrorism. The “smart planet” is really control of populations disguised as prevention of terrorism and promotion of system efficiencies.

Thanks to Tom Burdhardt for his important research. We wish progressives such as Burdhardt would recognize that building a police state is just as much a part of the progressive agenda as the multinational capitalist and American Empire agenda. The Bolsheviks were Social Democrats, and the Left preceded the Right in development of the police state. We are in the Era of Cooperation now. Are you finding it difficult to overcome your progressive brainwashing? It’s easy once you learn New World Order history.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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