More immigration mischief

The problem that Stephen Hawking is most worried about is anti-white genocide.

From Crush Zion.

Notice how deadpan Charlie Rose is when Hawking tells him he’s worried about anti-white genocide. These words are not supposed to be uttered on globalist TV.

Slovakia resists: Prime Minister Robert Fico says there will never be a united Muslim community in Slovakia. Good luck with that, sir.

German police explain why they can’t arrest refugee criminals: They get called “racist.” Police are under orders not to arrest immigrants for minor crimes.

So many refugees are lying about their identities that Austria is mobilizing its army to defend its borders.

Carolyn Yeager boils it down to this: Rape of white women is the price the multiculturalists are willing to pay to prevent formation of white/nationalist opposition. Sure. If the NWO elites cared about immigrant rape of European women, they would have stopped it decades ago.

Slovenians reject gay marriage in referendum. There’s really no reason to have gay marriage. Remember majority rule? The Left has figured out how to get around it using the courts.

PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) is the prominent German protest movement of the moment. They have issued a song, Together We’re Strong. Quite popular. Know your allies.

How a nationalist party works: NPD in Germany.

American Thinker applies cognitive dissonance theory to explain why people are in denial about Obama’s treason. We understand that it’s a long way from Obama worship to understanding Obama, but millions of people have figured it out. It happens every day.

“America is Barack Obama’s prey. He is tearing America apart and feeding the pieces of her life to his foreign and domestic fellow travelers. He is not transforming the nation but terminating it.”

Veterans Today has a piece explaining the connections among the criminal underworld, the takeover of government, and the plans for the New World Order. This post is a pretty shallow analysis of a subject that has been covered in many books devoted to exposing the international drug trade. Our point in linking this post is to get you to think about criminal cartels as powerful platforms for taking over governments. Mafias need to negotiate with governments to get a free hand to operate. Cooperation is made easier when the politicians also have a background in Freemasonry and are committed to globalism.

“DHS, FEMA and especially the FBI and certain factions since the Pentagon and the CIA are actually Terrorists that should all be arrested and imprisoned until trial with no bail because it is they that are a true National Security risk, not dissenters or We The People.”

The status of “official government authority” masks the true criminal agenda and contributes to the denial of criminality explained by American Thinker in the link above.

A better post on the same subject: Peter Dale Scott, The Global Drug Meta-Group at There Are No Sunglasses. We appreciate how difficult it is to penetrate the secrecy to bring you this information. The elites don’t want to be identified, and those inside government who cooperate don’t want to be identified. People get killed for probing into these secret power relations.

How Obama facilitated domestic terrorism with the 90-day fiance visa.

A rather wordy piece at VDARE points to U.S. government diplomatic pressure to carry out the Cultural Marxist agenda in other people’s countries. More interesting is The Rivkin Project at The Patriot Hangout, which offers details of U.S. support for Muslims in France. This is how they maneuver.

“Ultimately the goal of globalism is not to promote the survival of ethnic cultures and identities, but rather to submerge them into one big melting pot of global consumerism, to uproot every individual from an identity and heritage and replace that with the global shopping mall, and the “global village.” Therefore multiculturalism should be viewed as the antithesis of what it is understood as being. So far from the global corporates wanting to promote so-called multiculturalism in terms of assuring the existence of a multiplicity of cultures, as the term implies; it is to the contrary part of a dialectical process whereby under the facade of humane ideals, peoples of vastly different heritage are moved across the world like pawns on a chess board.”

…and genuine cultures are destroyed so that no opposition can form. By the way, it’s not the agenda of the “corporates,” it’s the agenda of the Cultural Marxists, and the corporates just came along for the ride under threat of blackmail. The corporations can always default to hiring whomever they want and retargeting their advertising appeals, but the Left will find it impossible to abandon their current ideology no matter how many absurd twists and turns it produces.

Enza Ferreri cuts through the lies and propaganda and states the obvious facts of Muslim integration.

Pam Geller (deep bow) reports on Smart Cities and Obama’s cooperation with the UN to form global police forces. Find out if you are in a Smart City, and if you are, get out.

“Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists.”

Let this idea sink in because it is the dominant theme of U.S. policy … and spread abroad wherever Obama’s tentacles reach. Don’t be fooled by more news stories about Islamic jihad into believing Obama is going to protect us. We are the target for elimination.

Obama is blocking congressional investigation of Islamic terrorists.

German minister warns that 10 million Africans will come to Europe in the future.

Other News

Former Pope Benedict’s brother involved in child abuse scandal.

Present pope involved in one-world religion scandal.

World’s foremost Jewish Cabalist is going to jail for bribery. Great.

Federal agencies are stocking up on weapons, body armor. What are they worried about? Hint: It’s not the Muslim radicals, they are inside the White House and the bureaucracies.

What’s the next trend for the liberals? More gender-blending.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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